Indians against immigrants.

It is you claiming that catholics do not cause problems worldwide which is a rather sweeping statement, we could start with that naughty Australian Cardinal

It's not the same really is it.
And I think you know this.
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Just been chatting with a chap who was climbing in the Atlas mountains, he said he never had to pay for accommodation or food as local people saw him as an honoured guest, funny way of not getting on with anyone

I've no problem with Muslims being in their own countries. Perhaps I should have said "they cause problems everywhere they go in the West". Letting them into Britain was a huge mistake. East is East and West is West, they do not belong here.

I've been to Morocco - it is beautiful. I found there were a lot of good people, and there were occasions when I got the "honoured guest" treatment too. But generally, life in the towns and cities, and in the streets was pretty awful; dirty, smelly, aggressive and hostile. Full of thieves and cut throats, just as in tales of old. The Muslim-occupied cities of Europe are now becoming like that. It is definitely a foreign culture, and a place to visit if you want to, but not to import here.

I did bring back a fez and some yellow slippers though.