Is the NHS up for sale?

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15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
A = it depends how much you trust Boris Johnson

These documents, apart from revealing the mind-bending detail of trade talks to a lay audience, are neither irrelevant nor conclusive evidence the government is lying.

Are the meetings so far consistent with a Tory government putting the NHS up for negotiation? Yes.

Have they already started? No

Will they do so if elected on December 12? That depends how much you trust Ms Truss and Mr Johnson.

Conclusion= you cant trust Boris Johnson, he lies and lies and lies, therfore we can expect Johnson to sell the NHS down the river in pursuit of post brexit trade deals.

Well done brexit for doing the opposite of taking control :whistle:
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New Bus Needed.

Lets Send £350m to American Pharmaceuticals.

ACO's will be back on the agenda 13/12.

These Brexiters will argue after they have been denies medical care its the fault of scrounger patients and welfare scroungers - not the for profit ACOs. These blue collar Tory voters have been sadly misled and conned.

How many times have you seen a comment from a RWR where A&E is full of people who don't need to be there.
A = it depends how much you trust Boris Johnson

These documents, apart from revealing the mind-bending detail of trade talks to a lay audience, are neither irrelevant nor conclusive evidence the government is lying.

Are the meetings so far consistent with a Tory government putting the NHS up for negotiation? Yes.

Have they already started? No

Will they do so if elected on December 12? That depends how much you trust Ms Truss and Mr Johnson.

Conclusion= you cant trust Boris Johnson, he lies and lies and lies, therfore we can expect Johnson to sell the NHS down the river in pursuit of post brexit trade deals.

Well done brexit for doing the opposite of taking control :whistle:
Probably not the end of the world if people start paying more for NHS services.
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Probably not the end of the world if people start paying more for NHS services.

Look at your warped thinking.

Where do you buy your supplies from? Say you would like to pay them an extra 25% but don't want anything in return.
Probably not the end of the world if people start paying more for NHS services.

We can go back to the old days, when mothers used to go hungry so they could pay for their childrens' treatment.

Dr Stopes wrote in one of her books that the women she was treating for TB often said "don't give me any more of that medicine, doctor. it makes me hungry and I can't afford the food."

I'ver been in parts of the USA where small-town shops often have a "tips" jar on the counter, with a sign like "please give your change to Joe's replacement hip fund"

Not many americans are proud of living in a society where their family members live or die depending what they can afford to pay for. They just think it's the natural order of things that if you have diabetes or kidney disease, you will be sick and die early unless you are rich.

"This is the list of what Laura Marston has sacrificed to keep herself alive: Her car, her furniture, her apartment, her retirement fund, her dog.

At 36 years old, she has already sold all of her possessions twice to afford the insulin her body needs every day."

Boris and Jeremy the Hunt admire the American system. So, it seems, does the dumb plumber.

"In 1923, the discoverers of insulin sold its patent for $1, hoping the low price would keep the essential treatment available to everyone who needed it.

Now, retail prices in the US are around the $300 range for all insulins from the three major brands that control the market."

"The most famous case, perhaps, was 26-year-old Alec Smith, who died in 2017 less than a month after he aged out of his mother's health insurance plan. Despite working full-time making more than minimum wage, he could not afford to buy new insurance or pay the $1,000 a month for insulin without it."

In the UK, the NHS pays about £7.50 per vial and upwards, depending on brand and type.
Probably not the end of the world if people start paying more for NHS services.
No but they won't have to worry about immigration or the length of time people are living or caring for old people, or people with serious illness that needs expensive treatment.:mad:
Probably not the end of the world if people start paying more for NHS services.

These talks specifically discuss pharmacuticals. In exchange for a trade deal, the US want to charge the NHS much more for drugs.


A = brexit
Drugs are likely to cost NHS £350 million more per week.

Stick that on the side of a bus.
No but they won't have to worry about immigration or the length of time people are living or caring for old people, or people with serious illness that needs expensive treatment.:mad:
Blame the scratters not Trump or the Tories
We can go back to the old days, when mothers used to go hungry so they could pay for their childrens' treatment.
Go back to the 1600s when Bubonic Plague killed millions!...Go back to whichever disease you like.
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