
Here's a question for you. What if they're right and that we should follow the faith under Sharia Law? If we all did, would it mean the end of terrorism and would the planet live in sustainable harmony?

No. As others have said, they fight amongst themselves all the time. Surely the Middle East is clear evidence of that.

Anyway, I can't see myself praying five times a day and living within their rules, so I certainly wouldn't be living in harmony with them. I suspect that the majority of people wouldn't either.
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Under Muslim (Sharia Law) domination there must be positive as well as negative.

* Thieving would go down. (Chop)
* Men can get divorced very easily
* No pork scratching's

* No more alcohol
* No more bacon sandwiches; pork pies, pork sausages or pork of any description
* No worries about finding money to send your daughter to school
* If a woman does get a divorce, the custody of children automatically goes to the husband
* Gay men would face public execution
:cry: :cry: :cry:
Under Muslim (Sharia Law) domination there must be positive as well as negative.

* Thieving would go down. (Chop)
* Men can get divorced very easily
* No pork scratching's

* No more alcohol
* No more bacon sandwiches; pork pies, pork sausages or pork of any description
* No worries about finding money to send your daughter to school
* If a woman does get a divorce, the custody of children automatically goes to the husband
* Gay men would face public execution
:cry: :cry: :cry:

Feel free to add to either of the above.
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History shows that whatever religion becomes dominant, divisions form and the in fighting begins - Europe's Protestants and Catholics have been kicking ten bells out of each other for centuries. Sunnis & Shias are doing much the same.
"Christians often complain how we as atheists are constrained to talk about Islam.
And Christians often complain that atheists balance in the secular media generally, balance every discussion of Islam with extremist Christianity.
I think our Christian neighbours, even the craziest of them are right to be outraged at this pretence of even handedness.
The truth is, is that Islam is quite a bit scarier and more culpabale for needles human misery at this moment than Christanity has been for a very long time.
And we have to point this out."

Sam Harris.
If we all followed the same text and religious practices then maybe it would all be rosy but once sects appear then not a chance.
Further reading[/QUOTE]

Thank you. I agree, a well written and fair article. Two extracts especially caught my attention:

"And — most importantly — we will give up our own traditions of free speech and historical inquiry and allow one religion to have an unbelievable advantage in the free marketplace of ideas."


"My fellow discussant was a very nice Muslim man who works to ‘de-radicalise’ extremists. We agreed on nearly everything. But at some point he said that one reason Muslims shouldn’t react to such cartoons is that Mohammed never objected to critics.
There may be some positive things to be said about Mohammed, but I thought this was pushing things too far and mentioned just one occasion when Mohammed didn’t welcome a critic. Asma bint Marwan was a female poetess who mocked the ‘Prophet’ and who, as a result, Mohammed had killed. It is in the texts. It is not a problem for me. But I can understand why it is a problem for decent Muslims. The moment I said this, my Muslim colleague went berserk. How dare I say this? I replied that it was in the Hadith and had a respectable chain of transmission (an important debate). He said it was a fabrication which he would not allow to stand. The upshot was that he refused to continue unless all mention of this was wiped from the recording. The BBC team agreed."

These draw our attention to the situation where authorities in this country choose to brush things under the carpet in order to, in their opinions, 'keep the peace'.

Covering up clear facts and seeking to censor words that they feel we should not see will not work. People are not blind, nor are they stupid. This is contrary to our tradition of free speech, and the inevitable result will be to create resentment.
Very interesting article. I particularly liked this bit:

I cannot imagine another religious discussion where this would happen, but it is perfectly normal when discussing Islam. On that occasion I chose one case, but I could have chosen many others, such as the hundreds of Jews Mohammed beheaded with his own hand. Again, that’s in the mainstream Islamic sources. I haven’t made it up.
If we all followed the same text and religious practices then maybe it would all be rosy but once sects appear then not a chance.
Like Waco.

Or These.

I agree. There have been, and still are, nutters in all (or at least most) religions. However, I think you must realise why people (and not just on this forum!) are currently preoccupied with discussing muslims.
If we all followed the same text and religious practices then maybe it would all be rosy but once sects appear then not a chance.
Like Waco.

Or These.

I agree. There have been, and still are, nutters in all (or at least most) religions. However, I think you must realise why people (and not just on this forum!) are currently preoccupied with discussing muslims.

Agreed, valid to debate the issue in the light of current affairs. But the debate is not helped by making sweeping generalisations based on individual cases.
Transparently inflammatory instead of adding to understanding.Tiresome.
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