Israel under attack

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the racism is so overt here.

The guys who keep replying with 'hamas, hams, hamas' responses really are embarrassing.

The occupation and oppression of the Palestinians pre-dates Hamas by decades. Hamas are relatively new in this regard. Hamas have no presence in the West Bank even now - yet Palestinians are routinely murdered and their land occupied in the West Bank. The biased and bigoted folk conveniently ignore this - they don't really want to engage with the facts. Their deep entrenched racism is the reason for this.

Of course, any rational person can understand that people who are oppressed and have inferior resources have to resort to more desperate tactics and inevitably will resort to terrorism. Lookup the Warsaw ghetto uprising and countless other uprisings in history.

Also, trying to frame this as a jew vs muslim conflict is also disingenuous. Many Jews support Palestinians and most Zionists are not Jews .

Like I say, no point even engaging with the bigots. They are either blatantly racist or trolls.
They dont even understand Hamas was was aided and even encouraged by Israel in the 1980's as a bulwark against Arafat's PLO and other leftists factions.

Its come back to bite them, once they are 'eradicated' Hamas 2.0 will be created, even more virulent then the first.

Isreal should have implemented a peace plan years ago instead of spending time killing more Palestinians and taking their land.
Also, trying to frame this as a jew vs muslim conflict is also disingenuous
That is exactly what Hamas and the Palestinian authorities have done. The Palestine Authority Martyrs fund for example.
Its come back to bite them, once they are 'eradicated' Hamas 2.0 will be created, even more virulent then the first.
Hamas have the stated aim of eradicating all Jews, everywhere. Do you support this?
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What I need to know is what people think is a proportionate response to the murder of 1400 civilians on October the 7th ??
Some claim it was the IDF that killed their own. I kid you not...
That is exactly what Hamas and the Palestinian authorities have done. The Palestine Authority Martyrs fund for example.
It's absolutely normal for services to provide some sort of pension for service personel killed in action. Some civilian organisations do so also.
What it's called is immaterial.
Can Denso explain why Israel operates an apartheid system against Palestinians?
Can Denso explan why the Israeli government and IDF actively support and assist the confiscation of land from Palestinians?
Can Himmie explain why Hamas commit appalling acts of terror yet Himmie continues to deny that are terrorists

Can Himmie explain why he spends his whole time criticising Israel but zero criticism of Hamas
Hamas have the stated aim of eradicating all Jews, everywhere. Do you support this?
Funny how this gets avoided.

If Hamas dropped it the innocent people on all sides would perhaps get a better deal. Who knows.
That is exactly what Hamas and the Palestinian authorities have done. The Palestine Authority Martyrs fund for example.
dude instantly changed from 'hamas hamas hamas' to 'hamas and palestinian authorities' when I exposed his hypocrisy. Hamas doesn't even exist in the west bank and is a relatively new player in the history of this

I'd respect your stance more if you were more honest. Just say The Palestinians. Racism under a thin veil.
Hamas doesn't even exist in the west bank and is a relatively new player in the history of this
Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood who formed in the 1920's.

"The terrorist organization Hamas is a “wing of the Muslim Brotherhood,” according to the Hamas Charter. The Charter calls for the murder of Jews, the “obliteration” of Israel and its replacement with an Islamist theocracy."

"The Brotherhood assassinated Anwar Sadat in 1981 for making peace with Israel. It also assassinated Egypt’s prime minister in 1948 and attempted to assassinate President Nasser in 1954."


Do you agree with the Hamas aim to eradicate all Jews? It's a simple question.
I'll answer your question.. No. of course I don't agree with that. You'd have to be a psychotic to agree with the eradication of Jews or any other people. By the way, bit of a silly question if you ask me but I guess there's no such thing as a stupid question from your ilk.

Now let me ask you a very simple question, please do me the courtesy of answering directly Yes, No or I don't know (as I did with your question). My question is more general, applies to any occupied people.

Do you think violent resistance cannot be justified if perpetrated by people who's land is occupied?
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