Israel under attack

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So you see killing people dancing the night away as an equal contest.
I saw that the worlds' most respected intelligence group took their eye off the ball and the Israelis suffered as a result. Sitting ducks.
Hamas is a minority group. It would be like carpet bombing Ireland because of the IRA in the troubles.
Hamas are the elected government whereas the IRA were not.

And don't forget there were terrorists on the opposing side in NI, although funnily enough the were often simply referred to as 'loyalists'...

So wrong example, although it does support the fact that anything the Palestinians do is described as terrorism and anything the state of Israel does is 'defending itself'...

Including the killings of innocent Palestinian civilians...

As I have mentioned before, for many years the state of Israel has had more UN resolutions against it than all other countries put together...

Why is that?
Why only those in hospitals?
Hamas is a minority group. It would be like carpet bombing Ireland because of the IRA in the troubles.
Most Palestinians are peaceful, loving humans just like us, and want to be able just get on with their lives without being shot or bombed.

Hospital is one example....
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any one inow what hamas’s stance is on transgenda rights

Perhaps dazzler knows ???
Giving 300000 (?) people 24 hours to leave an area in Gaza is a bit of a tall ask ???
any one inow what hamas’s stance is on transgenda rights

Perhaps dazzlers knows
There was a Jewish spokesman who was saying one minute they discussing all the trans crap and how they have been quickly brought back down to earth with these events.
any one inow what hamas’s stance is on transgenda rights
Sue-Ellen has an answer...

"The world will not be able to sustain an asylum system if in effect, simply being gay, or a woman, and fearful of discrimination in your country of origin, is sufficient to qualify for protection"

So if you're suggesting that trans people are at risk from Hamas, then you are at odds with the UK policy ;)
I know they hate any Jews.
No, they hate the state of Israel...

What's your opinion on the state of Israel telling most Gazans to flee or be killed?

Do the Jews hate Palestinians?

Or how about the West Bank where the army and settlers are killing innocent Palestinians.

Do the Jews hate Palestinians?

Since you deal in definitives you will no doubt have a definite answer to that?
What's your opinion on the state of Israel telling most Gazans to flee or be killed?
Unlike Hamas terrorists, Israel give advance warning of attacks to minimise casualties.

Do you think Israel should not respond to 1200 f its citizens being slaughtered and further citizens being kidnapped
Hamas are committing acts of terror, that makes them terrorists
For the umpteenth time, they are only designated as terrorists because of their armed struggle against their oppressors, Israel.
Ukraine are in a simlar situation, but are not designated as terrorists because they are in an armed struggle against the aggressor, Russia.
It's all about which side the West supports.

It's Ironic you spend your whole life whining about racism and it's terrible affect on people....yet here you are being an apologist for a terrorist organisation.
Don't be pathetic.
I have never apologised for terrorist activities.
You know it, I know and probably anyone who has ever read any of my comments knows it.

You're just launching personal attacks because you've lost a couple of arguments. :rolleyes:
You have form for fl;ip-flopping, to be on the winning side, and you have demonstrated your gullibility. You voted for Brexit, then realised it wasn't such a good idea when it was going pear-shaped, so you flipped to becoming a remainer, so that you couldn't be blamed.
Now you're behaving like Mottie and picking silly arguments because you can't let it go.

Maybe you don't think being blown up has a terrible affect on a person.
And you talk about logical fallacies? :rolleyes:
Whatever posessed you to make such a silly comment. Maybe you're been dreaming. Maybe you'll claim i said that being blown up doesn't affect a person. :rolleyes:
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