It's a New Dawn

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"Ultimately, we now have an unelected foreign secretary appointed by an unelected prime minister, and are being asked to consider the mood as fresh."

Marina Hyde@the Grunadia

Tis not the first time

Gordon brown was an unelected PM

As was the previous Tory pm who lasted a month

Theresa may ? Unelected ???

Lord carrington was foreign secretary

Do nt recall if William hauge was in the lords when FS

Has its advantages one does not need to sit in the commons listening and answering questions
Tis not the first time

Gordon brown was an unelected PM

As was the previous Tory pm who lasted a month

Theresa may ? Unelected ???

Lord carrington was foreign secretary

Do nt recall if William hauge was in the lords when FS

Has its advantages one does not need to sit in the commons listening and answering questions
They shat on the members who elect their leader.
Tis not the first time

Gordon brown was an unelected PM

As was the previous Tory pm who lasted a month

Theresa may ? Unelected ???

Lord carrington was foreign secretary

Do nt recall if William hauge was in the lords when FS

Has its advantages one does not need to sit in the commons listening and answering questions
I've never had a vote for a Prime Minister yet
Afaik there has certainly been a case of a
Former PM coming back into government

This Cameron caper is not the first time ???
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