Job Interview

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Dress to fit in.

What's the job?

What does everyone else wear there?
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IMO people are quite happy to see you have made an effort to look smart at an interview, even if once in the job you may be wearing overalls or something.

a dark suit, plain shirt and a plain tie are better than patterns or bright colours. If you haven't got a dark suit, grey trousers and light shirt rather than hoodie, cardigan, jumper, fleece etc.

Don't be substantially better dressed that the person interviewing you or he may not like it (£900 Italian suits etc)

Ladies should be smart not sexy if they want to be taken seriously (unless interviewing for pole dancer, club barmaid etc)
Wear a suit, or at least shirt and tie even if the job does not require a suit. It shows you have made an effort
Wear a tie! It is standard male attire for job interviews and it is expected.

Just make sure it is subtle and conservative. Not something pink and stripey lfrom 1982 as worn by that bookie bloke in Corrie.
Completely agree ... Even organisations where dress in the workplace is casual (many US companies) expect people to make an effort at interview ... Even if you end up wearing shorts and sandals like everyone else when you get the job. ;)

Where is she wearing her tie? :confused:

Edit: Did you edit that to make the bubbles bigger?
i'd say that an interview is a formal situation in it's own right, irrespective of the job being applied for... therefore a suit and tie simply shows your respect for the event in hand.
Admitedly, exceptions will prove my rule, and to cover that, i'd say simply try to copy what the interviewers will be wearing.

Oh and good luck!
I wouldn't give her a job ... I like my collection of dangly objects right where mother nature intended and it'd be more than my life's worth when Mrs Megawatt found out :LOL:
I think she needs an 'algi-bra'. Sumthin like a 42DD.

(I'd like to give her sum.)
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