Job threat. Scary situation.

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
Ok lads, I'm faced with the possibility of loosing my job. Essentially someone has dobbed me in for something others in the business get away with. I'm currently suspended pending disciplinary. However I've not been happy in the job for a long time now, its hard work and salary isn't the best, and I have a team under me that hates each other (and me by the looks of it). Long time members here will know what i do but I'd appreciate it if it wasn't mentioned here. Needless to say I have a list of mitigation as long as my arm in size 8 font which I will make sure is ****ing written down longhand by the notetaker in the hearing even if it takes all day.

The best outcome I can hope for in my disciplinary is a final written and/or demotion. Worst case im dismissed.

Anyway, I'm looking at options. Whatever happens I want out. The former outcome would give me a bit of time to sort that out.

Looking at indeed, many decent jobs require industry specific qualifications. This isnt for me, i dont have any. I have a levels but that doesnt help for most jobs. I explored train driving a while ago, but this is practically impossible to get into, 400 applications for each job, then you could fail the psychometrics. I always wanted to be an electrician but i couldn't afford to take an apprenticeship now. Mortgage, bills, family. I'm 30.

So where does this leave me? I'm thinking setting up my own business. But doing what? No idea where to start with that. Buy a van and move **** for people? I had a tile delivery this week done by a self employed guy that the tile shop uses. Sign written van and t shirt. Seems to do well for himself. Parcel couriers always seem to be in demand and one of my friends is one, but on a self employed basis, even for a national company the work can be sporadic at times. They do usually have van lease schemes though, which I'd need. I have applied for two courier jobs, one SE and one employed. I have also applied for a job as an airside operations officer at doncaster airport.

The biggest worry I have right now is that I may be left unable to support my family. Recently we bought a new house, but having not yet sold our previous home. We have borrowed the deposit, stamp duty and refurbishment costs from relatives, about £14k in total. This is due to be repaid to the various relatives once we sell the old house. We have two mortgages, council tax, water, energy. I'll make sure this is written down in the hearing too. Especially since my new manager knows nothing about me at all, having never asked. My partner works 20 hours per week, but could request overtime. At 7.20ph its still not gonna touch the sides.

Pretty worried right now, and my partner realises that i could loose my job but doesnt seem to realise the gravity of the situation. Not sure what I'll gain by posting this here but I needed to vent. Thought I may get some advice from others who have been in the same place I am now.
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Essentially someone has dobbed me in for something others in the business get away with

What is it and why didn't you get away with it?

You sound like an assistant manager responsible for staff where plenty of back stabbing goes on.
What is it and why didn't you get away with it?

You sound like an assistant manager responsible for staff where plenty of back stabbing goes on.
Essentially I left staff with no management for 3 hours. They had my number in case of problems and no issues were raised by them at the time or afterwards. Until I was called into an investigation. Mgmt would have been in but one phoned in sick. I couldnt stay due to childcare. Not sure they realised the seriousness of the allegations theyve dobbed me in for, until they inevitably find out ive been suspended. I didnt realise the seriousness of it either tbh. Its been written up as a security and health and safety breach. So im done for.
If you were a politician , you could make a pig's ear of things, resign and be given a massive payoff.... I was heading for a disciplinary at my last job but I put in my resignation and a grievance against my manager. I'd had enough of it anyhow. My grievance was dismissed, I didn't care, but the manager in question "left" soon afterwards. In the OP's case I'd be sure to produce evidence everyone else is at it , then you can claim discrimination/ victimisation.
Have you got a Union / solicitor to act for you?
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havnt read it all

are you in a union ??
have you checked employment law ??
have you checked the company disaplinary procedures ??
if your wife is low paid look at any help from the benefits system and be prepaird to register on day one as you cannot back date an application easily
try and find an advocate who is familiar with the procedures and will have your best interests at heart rather than fairly neutral or towards the companys line
Only advice I can offer is, if you go the complete career change route, self employed or not, choose wisely: from 30 to 50 years of age is the time when you need to be sure that you bring home the bacon. I speak as a 50 year old at the other end of the process.

And reading about all the company politics bo11ox, am I glad I have been self employed for a long time.
Trust is the fundamental basis of any & all relationships, where there is no trust there is no relationship. This is just as applicable in the employer/employee relationship as it is with lovers, friendships or even family.

IMO, the employee/employer relationship is over the very second that a disciplinary or grievance procedure becomes formal. And I've been through a few on both sides !

I was once a senior projects manager in a footsie 100 retailer & heavily involved in the graduate fast track management program, the skills we were looking for could not include experience so don't let a specific lack of industry knowledge put you off.

If you are/were good at the job then you could be good at any job.
Thanks for the advice so far. Appreciate it. I'm not in the union. Not sure if I could join just for this case. Usdaw are the world's weakest union. It took a year to negotiate a management pay rise and then they didn't want to back date it. In any other sector there would have been a strike. I'm allowed either TU representation or a colleague to accompany me. I am friendly with another very knowledge manager who may accompany me. I'll give him a bell.

What handy jack said might be key. I don't ever recall the specific policy around management being present at all times being written down. All the policies are on the company intranet. I'm allowed access to prepare my case so I'll phone tomorrow to do this.

One other mitigation I have which may just win my case is that I tried to phone my area manager to tell him of the situation before it happened. He didn't answer so I texted him details. He never replied. To this day. He visited me the following day and never mentioned it then either. Therefore the assumption was that he was fine with it. I was actually suspended by a manager on the same level as me. He's acting up as AM while the real AM is on holiday.
I couldnt stay due to childcare.

Sorry if I misunderstood, but was your leaving to look after your child unforeseen? If so, they have no case I don't think..

If you couldn't work past your contracted hours due to childcare then again, grey area. If it's written in your contract that you do have to, I would try and find out if looking after a minor is an acceptable reason for not being able to. The fact that you did try to contact your area manager and sent a text is excellent. If you can get proof of the call (mobile phone bill) even better.

Good luck, hope it goes well.
It wasn't unforseen. It was planned. My partner was starting work an hour after I finished. We both travel approx 20 min's to/from work.
Essentially I left staff with no management for 3 hours.

What would have happened if you had been taken ill and had to go to hospital ? Is there not a deputy manager who can assume management in your absence.

If the company has not put in place measures to deal with the manager not being able to continue in role then the company could be seen to be failing in its duty the its staff. Especially if the manager is the only trained health and safety / first aid person on site.
It might be a breach of the H&S policy but if others do it , they can't just punish you. All or none. If you do win this and I hope you do, be prepared to look for a new job as I'm sure they'll be out to get you.
Check your house insurance. It might have legal cover to assist you.
Unions always seem to let you down when you need them. I think I was in Unite and they let me down.
One other mitigation I have which may just win my case is that I tried to phone my area manager to tell him of the situation before it happened. He didn't answer so I texted him details. He never replied. To this day. He visited me the following day and never mentioned it then either. Therefore the assumption was that he was fine with it. I was actually suspended by a manager on the same level as me. He's acting up as AM while the real AM is on holiday.

Have you got the proof of this on your phone ? ( take images on another device so you can print it off ) When you couldn't get hold of him and you left site did you give control to a second in command ? If you did all that was reasonable and you had an personal emergency you should be ok.
But you need the proof of your actions. If you did all that you could do what does the company have in place to deal with a situation like this ? What's their answer to that ? Your manager should have responded his lack of mentioning it to you might indicate he has a problem on his hands .....He should have answered your call and advised you what to do.
I would wait and see what the outcome of this is, I understand your panicking but it's not happened yet so don't rush in to any other career just yet you could make a mistake. I hope it works out for you.
What would have happened if you had been taken ill and had to go to hospital ? Is there not a deputy manager who can assume management in your absence.

If the company has not put in place measures to deal with the manager not being able to continue in role then the company could be seen to be failing in its duty the its staff. Especially if the manager is the only trained health and safety / first aid person on site.
We have a management structure. Manager (me), team manager (called in sick) and 3 team leaders. One team leader was on holiday. So that left me and two TLs. Our long opening hours mean to cover them with 3 management staff would mean each working 45-50hrs a week. We all have 39hr contracts and paying over that means premium overtime which we get told off for. Also the two TLs I had available are not very flexible. Getting cover from another location nearby is nigh on impossible. Many are in the same position of being short themselves.
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