John Terry!

If it's good enough for an Italian Prime Minister to bonk all and sundry then it should be good enough for an Italian football manager that his captain do likewise. Bunch of hypocrites the lot of them.
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If it's good enough for an Italian Prime Minister to bonk all and sundry then it should be good enough for an Italian football manager that his captain do likewise. Bunch of hypocrites the lot of them.
Good word ! use it more often joe ;)
He's an ar5e hole with no morals, he earns that much money he thinks he can do what he wants and pay people off.
What goes around comes around.
If he's not happy with his wife why not get divorced and then play the field!
But what do you expect when he is team mates with ashley cole and frank lampard.
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John Terry,s done naff all wrong.All coaching manuals state:If the full back leaves a hole,Its the center halves job to fill it.
John Terry,s done naff all wrong.All coaching manuals state:If the full back leaves a hole,Its the center halves job to fill it.

It does make me smile when folks jump on the bandwagon and give ole Tezza a battering.

He is a pro soccer player for heavens sake!

He has low intelligence, high testosterone, no sense of style, possess a footballers' complete lack of taste, is highly paid and highly sexed, ideal for the England football team captain.
If it's good enough for an Italian Prime Minister to bonk all and sundry then it should be good enough for an Italian football manager that his captain do likewise. Bunch of hypocrites the lot of them.
The Italians are different breed altogether, they have no morals.
Did they not join up with the nazis?
C'mon guys. Give Rio a go. Perhaps he's the right man for the job just in case one of them needs a good smack in the ear. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
If it's good enough for an Italian Prime Minister to bonk all and sundry then it should be good enough for an Italian football manager that his captain do likewise. Bunch of hypocrites the lot of them.
The Italians are different breed altogether, they have no morals.
Did they not join up with the nazis?

Only while they were winning.
John Terry,s done naff all wrong.All coaching manuals state:If the full back leaves a hole,Its the center halves job to fill it.
The question is did he or didn't he? Why don't they both just deny it? footballers are always diving(no pun intended) aren't they? That's the same as lying innit?

Noone could prove they did anything, could they? :eek:
ahley cole was also up in court for speeding

apparently someone had told him J.T`s motor was seen outside his house
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