John Terry!

12 Oct 2007
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United Kingdom
I personally think he would have made a great captain, and he should have stayed captain, he hasn't even been proven guilty of anything yet :mad: .

The county should get behind him.
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I don't hear him kicking and screaming about losing the job. ;)
Think that was a slight typo and should have said'country'.
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People are quick to forget one of our previous National coaches was a philanderer.

exactly, perhaps mr cappello may be caught with some female in the perhaps not :LOL:
Hmm,, and i always thought he was a "Swede". A philanderer eh,, ( collector of stamps),,, mmm,,

now there's a turnip for the books,, since Sven,, may i ask?? :confused: :LOL:
They've given the captaincy to someone who is over the hill and with a past far worse than Terry's. Terry will be back when Ferdinand is dropped.

Terry didn't do anything most young lads would do if they had the chance.
Terry didn't do anything most young lads would do if they had the chance.

Most young lads ain't in the public eye though.
Is he not supposed to be some kind of role model, of an already firked up youth of the country/county/chuntterry (silent h applies).
He's knobbed his ex best mates bird/slhut, who was/is also a team colleague.(not the bird/slhut)

In my book he gets what he deserves, loss of 5Mill in sponsers and the chance to lead his country out in the world cup finals.
Shame on you Terry.
But as for his replacement again a checkered past, but who would get the job instaed.
Stevie G the pub brawler?
Lee Bowyer's playing quite well at the moment, maybe a recall and the armband ;)
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