
Israel's targetting of agriculture, infrastructure, environment and people has gone on for decades, getting worse each time.
Dated 2018
On 30 March, tens of thousands of Palestinians, including women and children, gathered at sites throughout the Gaza Strip to take part in the 'Great Return March', calling for the right of return for Palestinian refugees who fled or were expelled during Israel's establishment in 1948.

Israeli forces positioned along the border opened fire on the demonstrations, killing 19 Palestinians and injuring hundreds. The massacre was the bloodiest single day in Gaza since Israel's 2014 military operation, which killed more than 2,200 Palestinians over 51 days of intense artillery fire, airstrikes, and a ground invasion.

Now the world looks on as Israel kills over 15,000 Palestinians and yet again obliterates the Gaza infrastructure.
The Zionist dominated Isareli government justifies it as their God-given land.
Some countries even justify this massacre as "self defence".
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A breif sumnmary of the cruelty of Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.
This report covers just one year of a 15 year long occupation, and a decades long conflict.
The report goes into futher detail:
!srael’s continuing oppressive and discriminatory system of governing Palestinians in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) constituted a system of apartheid, and Israeli officials committed the crime of apartheid under international law. Israeli forces launched a three-day offensive on the occupied Gaza Strip in August during which they committed apparent war crimes. This compounded the impact of a 15-year ongoing Israeli blockade that amounts to illegal collective punishment and further fragments Palestinian territory.
Israel escalated its crackdown on Palestinians’ freedom of association. It also imposed arbitrary restrictions on freedom of movement and closures that amounted to collective punishment, mainly in the northern West Bank, ostensibly in response to armed attacks by Palestinians on Israeli soldiers and settlers. The year saw a rise in the number of Palestinians unlawfully killed and seriously injured by Israeli forces during raids in the West Bank. Administrative detentions of Palestinians hit a 14-year high, and torture and other ill-treatment continued. Israeli forces demolished al-Araqib village in the Negev/Naqab for the 211th time. A further 35 Palestinian-Bedouin towns in Israel were still denied formal recognition and residents faced possible forcible transfer. Authorities failed to process asylum claims for thousands of asylum seekers, and imposed restrictions on their right to work.
I didn't, I said that the fields had a wall built on them, and much of the remaining agricultural land had been defended by automatic, sensor-activated machine guns, and/or is bombed, so couldn't be used.
When you have over 2 million people squeezed into about 350 km², there isn't much option.
It would be utter madness to fight Israel from the beaches, and that's about the only space that is not inhabited, in Gaza.
You expect the Gazans to inhabit the fields that are protected by automatic sensor-activated machine guns close to the wall?
On land that is continually bombed and destroyed by Isaeli bulldozers, or contaminated by destroyed chemicals?
2005 Israel withdraws from Gaza
2006 Israel conducts a cross-border raid into Gaza
2008 Israel conducts a 22 day military offensive on Gaza
2012 Israel conduct eight days of Israeli air raids on Palestine.
2014 Israel conducts a seven-week war in which more than 2,100 Palestinians are killed in Gaza.
2018 Palestinian protests begin at Gaza’s fenced border with Israel and Israeli troops kill more than 170 Palestinians.
2021 Israel launched air raids on Gaza.The fighting that went on for 11 days, at least 260 people were killed in Gaza
2022 More than 30 Palestinians, including women and children, killed in new air attacks carried out by Israeli planes.
2023 ....... 15,000 Plaestinians killed, many of them women and children.

And you expect Palestinians to live in the destroyed, contaminated fields? :rolleyes:

And Israel claims they didn't know about the impending attacks on 7 October?
They'd been provoking it for long enough.
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You expect the Gazans to inhabit the fields that are protected by automatic sensor-activated machine guns close to the wall?
On land that is continually bombed and destroyed by Isaeli bulldozers, or contaminated by destroyed chemicals?
2005 Israel withdraws from Gaza
2006 Israel conducts a cross-border raid into Gaza
2008 Israel conducts a 22 day military offensive on Gaza
2012 Israel conduct eight days of Israeli air raids on Palestine.
2014 Israel conducts a seven-week war in which more than 2,100 Palestinians are killed in Gaza.
2018 Palestinian protests begin at Gaza’s fenced border with Israel and Israeli troops kill more than 170 Palestinians.
2021 Israel launched air raids on Gaza.The fighting that went on for 11 days, at least 260 people were killed in Gaza
2022 More than 30 Palestinians, including women and children, killed in new air attacks carried out by Israeli planes.

2023 ....... 15,000 Plaestinians killed, many of them women and children.

And you expect Palestinians to live in the destroyed, contaminated fields? :rolleyes:

And Israel claims they didn't know about the impending attacks on 7 October?
They'd been provoking it for long enough.
Apart from bellyaching on here what you going to do about it............thought so just keep on bellyaching on here.
This was the issue that Israel persuaded USA to denounce Hamas as terrorists. Israel boarded the ship in international waters.
There was no evidence whatsoever that the arms were destined for Hamas.

Israel claimed these arms were destined for use by Hamas.
When one looks at the list of arms, it defies logic that these were destined for Hamas.
Radar systems on towers?
Anti-Ship cruise missiles?

This was the basis for USA labelling Hamas as terrosits, and UK following suit.
Call it a debate.
Bloom a day bellyaches aren't they, don't solve anything.
Now the acccusations of anti-Semitism will begin all over again.
The Irony is that most European jews are not of Semitic origin.
The correct term should be anti-Jewish but that doesn't have the same ring to it.
Call it a debate.
Bloom a day bellyaches aren't they, don't solve anything.
Well it's not a debate when the only thing you have to offer is ad hominem attacks. :rolleyes:
It's you that is preventing the debate about the topic. :rolleyes:
Preferring to talk about me all the time. :rolleyes:
No it doesn't. I'm feeling more uncomfortable with how Israel are dealing with this.

But I read once that the RAF did more damage in one night to a German city (I think Dresden) than the Germans did during the Battle of Britain.

We killed more Germans than Germans killed British. It was a war ... not a an eye for an eye counting game.
If roles were reversed and it was the Israelis who were on the receiving end of bombardment and the resulting huge death toll, would you still say the same.
Well it's not a debate when the only thing you have to offer is ad hominem attacks. :rolleyes:
It's you that is preventing the debate about the topic. :rolleyes:
Preferring to talk about me all the time. :rolleyes:
I put a point of view in all manner of topics on here and then you come along with your rolling eyes (see above for an example )to quash and belittle posters with a different view than your narrow mind.
If roles were reversed and it was the Israelis who were on the receiving end of bombardment and the resulting huge death toll, would you still say the same.

Do you mean if they were being attacked by Iran or any other terrorist state?
I put a point of view in all manner of topics on here and then you come along with your rolling eyes (see above for an example )to quash and belittle posters with a different view than your narrow mind.
Like motorbiking, you're more concerned with presentation than content.
You have no intelligent response to my content, so you concern yourself with my presentation. :rolleyes:
Do you mean if they were being attacked by Iran or any other terrorist state?
I'm pretty sure that is not what Vinty meant.
I'd have thought that would not be a role-reversal situation, but a totally different scenario. :rolleyes:
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