Kick in the Teeth

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Unfortunately you have been had. Ask yourself how can we grow and expand the economy? We don't have natural resources like the middle east, we wrecked our manufacturing sector thanks to Thatcher. So we have limited scope to manufacture (thanks brexit for making imports and exports harder) So that leaves human capital - increasing the skills of the economy and increasing the number of people in the economy - well we have been really poor in skills investment so that leaves increasing the labour pool as the only mechanism to increase the economy - more people means more demand for homes, food, services etc.

No, not been had at all. I fully understand why they're doing it. They have few other options, and growth, any kind of growth, is constantly demanded. Trouble with this sort of growth, though it's probably more just expansion than growth, is it punishes those lower down the social scale the most as they end up working harder at three jobs and still go backwards or bust. Probably both. It's desperate and sad to see, but it's all our treacherous politicians have left in their armoury.
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