Kill the Bill demo riot.

Summer of violence ahead warns police chief

the leader of the body representing plod forces in England and Wales has warned that police officers faced being over whelmed by a summer of protest and violence

they should have kept Johnson’s water cannons ;)
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That's a bit odd. Johnson said lockdown will end, no more lockdown!
But, fines for overseas travel ... and now fear of summer riots.
What does the government know that it is not tell us? Apart from, we'll still be told to stay at home...
The third wave in Europe is currently predicted to kill more than the first 2 ... maybe expecting things to still get worse before they get better.
Summer of violence ahead warns police chief
the leader of the body representing plod forces in England and Wales has warned that police officers faced being over whelmed by a summer of protest and violence
Is there no way to flatten the curve?
Portugal appears to have the lowest rate per million of population in Europe at the moment


followed by the UK 81

and Ireland 115
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Portugal appears to have the lowest rate per million of population in Europe at the moment


followed by the UK 81

and Ireland 115
The lowest rate of what? Drug users, workers, homeless, politicians, riots, arrested rioters, injured police, Covid restrictions, water cannons?

What are you referring to?
Or this an extension of Bodd's guessing game?


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