Largest nursing strike in NHS history set to start

the NHS's service is at an all time low, it is in a total mess, and they think they deserve a pay rise? May be if they got there act together and started to provide an efficient service then may be, But you can't demand more money when you are providing shoddy service
Can't blame the Nurses for the incompetence of the NHS leadership.
Nurses are the foot soldiers, strategic planning and leadership isn't part of their job description.
The problem is that there are people in government who are ideologically opposed to the idea of health care free at the point of need.
They can't say publicly that they would like to see the NHS dismantled, so they are prepared to watch it fall apart, so that they can claim that publicly funded health systems don't work.
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No idea how many others are involved in various areas. I do know of 2 NHS dentist businesses. The dentists in them appear to be salaried. There is an NHS chemist around the corner. ;) Not sure what that means.

There are probably lots of subcontracts to private companies like these. Looks like I will need a cataract operation. I have choice of several private hospitals that will do the work for the NHS. Normally they charge £4,000 for the usual replacement lenses. Or I could use a local hospital even not a local one if I will travel to them.
"There is nervousness in government, as figures including Sir John Gieve, former Bank of England deputy governor, question whether larger pay rises for public sector workers would significantly fuel inflation.

Lord Nick Macpherson, former permanent secretary at the Treasury, said: “I think the government has got to be careful about its rhetoric here. Public sector workers don’t create inflation.”

Speaking on BBC radio’s The Week in Westminster, he added: “It is actually the private sector which leads the labour market. We’ve also got to recognise that public sector pay has been squeezed for a very long time.”

Some government officials fear that other Tory MPs will join Berry and Poulter and urge the government to offer more money to NHS staff, especially if their constituents start to complain about cancelled operations. “You know what Tory MPs are like,” said one."
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"Wage growth in the private sector has accelerated since the summer. In November BT agreed to hand staff pay rises of between 6 per cent and 16 per cent after 40,000 employees went out on strike."
All down to our pathetic government.

NHS should be a top priority. It needs sorting out asap. Its a national treasure that we need to bring up to standard for both its staff and patients.
As Seanmars said "the NHS is like a massive tumour consuming all of the country's money".
Mrs Mottie works for the NHS as a medical transcriber. She only does it part time, 15 hours a week. She could do more if she wants as a 'bank' typist but has only done it a few times in the past to help out with a backlog. It was a separate thing, not exactly overtime and was run by a different company/department and she had a separate tax code for it.
Wow! I wonder how many peogle cream off how much money for that bit of typing?
Conservatives voted against the formation of the NHS 21 times including 2nd and 3rd reading
They were right to go against it; it has crippled the country.
Wow! I wonder how many peogle cream off how much money for that bit of typing?
I don’t know but I know she was pîssed off having agency 'typists' sitting next to her who just couldn’t audio touch-type, set out a letter or spell and one didn’t even know how to cut and paste text whilst getting paid approx 30% more than she was! They stopped using the agency typists a while ago now.
£35K a year average, time and a half for every hour over 37.5 a week and if they're feeling energetic like some people I know they can 'moonlight' for private companies on their days off for many multiples of their NHS pay.

And here's the beauty of the private 'freelancing', it still contributes to their NHS pension.

That's one very tasty scam.
No mention of NHS private companies, could be taxi driving, but then you changed your story.
Seems Rolls Royce cars has handed out pay rises of up to 17%.

Sunak was interviewed about nurses. A Tory and C4 found holes in what he was saying rather easily. Seems there is a growing feeling in the MP's that he is making a mistake.
The biggest hole is independent decisions on pay rises. They are based on forecasted inflation. That is way out this year and may well be next year. The hole not mentioned is that falling inflation does not mean falling prices. Then add the info C4 provided. Nurse pay rises have not kept pace with other state areas.
The BofE isn't the only one that has pointed out that wage rises in some sectors do not cause inflation.

We are likely to get into this, probably are already. Unemployment is thought to go up next year but say it didn't. Extreme price rises can have the same effect. That in turn can result in job losses.
Stagflation is an economic cycle during which inflation drives prices higher while the unemployment level climbs. This, in turn, causes consumer spending to fall, resulting in low growth (if any), potentially triggering more job losses.
Solution borrow a lot of money to try and fix it but that doesn't cover the cost increase in the area they have chosen to do that in.

There is also another thought kicking about. Low earners. It uses an example. What would it mean if people had to pay more for their burger from McDonald's?

16hrs or more per week and claim support. Great way of keeping unemployment figures down but in some cases that is what a person can get. Not what they could do. Top up income from general taxation to allow them to live. NI covers health issues and other factors as well

School meals. Seems if a family earns over £7400 they have to pay for them. Personaly I got my free orange juice and daily dose of whole milk, They put iodine in salt for all. Are we going to go back to factors that caused them to do this again for some sectors of the population?

As my son's lady gave birth to a baby that they kept alive for 5 days and then allowed them to hold for a hour or so for it to die I can't help wondering about this area as well. Sure it's cost effective but ............ Then I hear in one area of the country pregnant women are induced and then have a 1hr trip to a hospital to give birth. Usual noises about facilities offered in their local hospital.

NHS bloat. Maybe they should look at it's workforce as manufacturers do and add control of new fresh appointments as our older larger manufacturers did.
Sunak was interviewed about nurses. A Tory and C4 found holes in what he was saying rather easily. Seems there is a growing feeling in the MP's that he is making a mistake.

Public support.

Do we like nurses?

Do we like politicians?

Sunak is stuffed.

The "red wall" tories are all updating their CVs and looking for new jobs already.

Must be nearly time for the next PM change.

It's 53 days since the last one.
It's 53 days since the last one.
Perhaps Sunak is showing he's tough and will later back off to show he is "human". Might placate his let them starve and freeze supporters and the other sides as well.
The real NHS hospital problem has already been highlighted by Boris. We need more hospitals and some more rather expensive equipment. More hospitals means more beds. They have been cut far too much over the years - and they need staff to run them.

Blame all on Sunak. Grow up. A number of people are involved in decisions especially on policy.
If you increase demand without increasing supply there will not be enough to go round.

One of four things you cannot say about the NHS.

So who is responsible for the lesser supply even though increased demand from our ageing population is well known ?

Oh yes, foreigners. Not our government
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