LEASE nuclear power stations to iran

26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
How about we lease or the UN or USA lease a nuclear power station to iran it would be run by the un or usa workers and be on PAKISTANI soil guarded by un usa or indian troops

would it work and how many would be needed

would iran let the usa build one on iranian soil and let the usa guard it and run it they would be benefitting by there expertise seems a good way around it >
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Not practical.

Similar Idea on Iranian Soil might be workable though..
dont think its condecending as they would get the best expertise going via the yanks what i would say is the russians and china can put in there quotes for the work but the un has to GUARD it and i mean GUARD loadsa troops

its either that or they dont get to have nuclear power sort of a catch 22 me thinks

ps i did mean iranian soil my bad on the pakistani bit
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Slogger said:
dont think its condecending as they would get the best expertise going via the yanks what i would say is the russians and china can put in there quotes for the work but the un has to GUARD it and i mean GUARD loadsa troops

its either that or they dont get to have nuclear power sort of a catch 22 me thinks

ps i did mean iranian soil my bad on the pakistani bit
But it is condescending to think they can't handle things themselves and that the west is high and mighty enough to do no wrong themselves. when the west have interfered in so many nations politics with force. what gives them the right to police another state?
kendor said:
Slogger said:
dont think its condecending as they would get the best expertise going via the yanks what i would say is the russians and china can put in there quotes for the work but the un has to GUARD it and i mean GUARD loadsa troops

its either that or they dont get to have nuclear power sort of a catch 22 me thinks

ps i did mean iranian soil my bad on the pakistani bit
But it is condescending to think they can't handle things themselves and that the west is high and mighty enough to do no wrong themselves. when the west have interfered in so many nations politics with force. what gives them the right to police another state?

you are correct in your observation but dont you think it great when these things go wrong or similar they have to call in western expertise or money to sort it out, thats even more condesending
The detail would need working on, but there could well be something in having Nuclear Power stations controlled on a UN basis - The UK and US could even show willing by letting theirs come under the same regime.

The only concern I could see from the Iranian viewpoint is that there is always the possibility of having your plug pulled if you aren't dancing to the right tune.
jtaunton said:
The detail would need working on, but there could well be something in having Nuclear Power stations controlled on a UN basis - The UK and US could even show willing by letting theirs come under the same regime.

The only concern I could see from the Iranian viewpoint is that there is always the possibility of having your plug pulled if you aren't dancing to the right tune.
That is an acceptable alternative where all countries hand over control to the UN, nice suggestion if handled properly i can't see a reason why that wouldn't work.
Could the same be done with the Nukes? so that the codes are held by the UN?
lol no chance m8ty have you not grasped the M.A.D principle
it would take too long for the un to lauch a strike against an aggressor as we all know they take way way to long to come to any decisions

as for the usa russia china letting anyone near there reactors there is little chance of it these countrys regard themselves as capable of self governing

iran has little to no chance of having its own nuclear power station the west simpy cant trust them

i am suprised the western nations let pakistan and india to have them as they came too close to useing nukes not to long ago

and north korea ? wtf are we waiting for they need to be stopped asap and if by any chance they have 1 2 or even 3 short range nukes would that be reason enougth to not attack ? WAIT too long and they will have 20 30 40 best hit them now show we mean what we say
Slogger said:
lol no chance m8ty have you not grasped the M.A.D principle
it would take too long for the un to lauch a strike against an aggressor as we all know they take way way to long to come to any decisions

Too right - I don't think any country's going to give up having the final say on self-defence.

With regard to the electricity issue though, I guess they need to generate electricity somehow. Options are:

1) Some variant of your original plan - Though it would probably need to be universal for that to work and, as you say, the US, Russia and China would never buy into it, which is a pity.

2) Let them build one on the condition that it is very tightly monitored and audited by the IAEA. Any transgression and they accept that we are going to decommission them or take them out in a precision strike. Removing inspectors is an obvious case in point.

3) Provide incentives for them to build a non-nuclear generator. Oil-powered, or even to lead the way in something new. I believe its quite sunny down there, for instance, so a huge Solar farm could be a possibility. It would cost us money, but a nuclear-free Iran is a benefit to the world too.

4) Just let them work it out on their own - Probably not a good idea though.

Don't know which one's best though, but I quite like the sound of 3).
Missing my point, i said All countries have their weapons controlled by the UN, instant stalemate!
And all nulear facilities would be under UN control and Guard from multi nation therefore no individual nation or group would have access to the materials to make anymore weapons.
kendor said:
Missing my point, i said All countries have their weapons controlled by the UN, instant stalemate!
And all nulear facilities would be under UN control and Guard from multi nation therefore no individual nation or group would have access to the materials to make anymore weapons.
and you miss the point i made about nukes M.A.D

Without them we would be more inclined to go to war as conventional war would seem a lot easier to win i will put china first on the scenario


china goes into TAIWAN all over in 3 days who would be there for TAIWAN

china goes into russia all over in 6 weeks and then western europe would be on the cards

we need nukes to stop war = M.A.D sad but true




DUH ...even bart said that was a dumbass idea ..
Slogger said:
kendor said:
Missing my point, i said All countries have their weapons controlled by the UN, instant stalemate!
And all nulear facilities would be under UN control and Guard from multi nation therefore no individual nation or group would have access to the materials to make anymore weapons.
and you miss the point i made about nukes M.A.D

Without them we would be more inclined to go to war as conventional war would seem a lot easier to win i will put china first on the scenario


china goes into TAIWAN all over in 3 days who would be there for TAIWAN

china goes into russia all over in 6 weeks and then western europe would be on the cards

we need nukes to stop war = M.A.D sad but true
and you miss my point again... all nukes would be under UN control and still active, you mention conventional wars will be easier, count how many wars we've had since nukes have been around i think you'll find they don't make a blind bit of difference. what they have stopped is a nuclear threat and defence to this would still exist but control and their use would be multi nation under UN decision and not individual countries.
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