Least Surprising News of The Day..

Can we have the whole picture?

90% of remain voters still believe they voted the right way.

How many leave voters still believe they voted the right way?
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Ah, OK, so 80% of leave voters still believe they voted the right way.
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"... one in five Brexiteers now saying they think it was wrong to vote to leave the EU...."

(I know mottie can read).
But why do you think that those that voted to remain have now changed their minds if they were so convinced in 2016 and things have turned out as bad as some say? Genuine question.
I still think it was a bad idea to leave the EU when we did - and events over the past two years have done nothing to change my mind.
In fact, i think it's an even dumber idea...but here we are, so let's elect a competent government to sort out the Tory mess as soon as possible.
But why do you think that those that voted to remain have now changed their minds if they were so convinced in 2016 and things have turned out as bad as some say? Genuine question.
No one believes the EU perfect, far from it. But not ther lies that have been drilled into the nation by the extremists. Most Remainers welcomed reform.
I guess there will always be some from both sides that change their PoV after the event.

I know people who happily voted for Tony Bliar, and they were mostly pleased but regretted it over the WMD scandal.
When I pop into our gentrified section of town to mingle with the hipsters and order a cocktail - which should taste lovely but tastes a bit crap, I wonder if it's my fault for ordering it or the barman's fault for not making it correctly? After all, the ingredients are all there to make it taste wonderful.

I also wonder why my fellow hipsters blame me for ordering the cocktail in the first place, and say I should stick to the same old gin we've been served for a few decades.
But why do you think that those that voted to remain have now changed their minds if they were so convinced in 2016 and things have turned out as bad as some say? Genuine question.

Because they hope to get a better job if they lie, for example

But why do you think that those that voted to remain have now changed their minds if they were so convinced in 2016 and things have turned out as bad as some say? Genuine question.

Conversely, why do you think that those that voted to leave have now changed their minds if they were so convinced in 2016 and things have turned out as good as you like to pretend? Genuine question.

The number of xenophobic brexiteers who are 1.8288m under increases daily...

The young (and us older intelligent ones) will reverse brexit...

Plus it's the only way of preventing the total disintegration of the UK, both financially and in world standing!
EU we have the whole picture?

90% of remain voters still believe they voted the right way.

How many leave voters still believe they voted the right way?
Leaving the so-called "EU" will always be the correct choice for every country in it. It belongs in the dustbin of history, then burnt with hydrochloric acid thrown over it. The so-called "EU" is an affront to the galaxy.
Although the majority of the population consider Brexit to have been a mistake, it will take some years before the country will be ready to rejoin; and it will take even longer for the people of Europe to trust us enough to accept us.

For the moment, we need some sensible grown-ups to try and make the most of the clusterflick that the Brexers and the Tories have thrown the nation into.
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