Living in Iceland

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27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
Rules for anyone thinking of moving to Iceland.

Looks like there’s absolutely no reason to stop anyone going to Iceland to permanently live there if they were that way inclined. You’ve got until 31st Dec so get your skates on, no good whinging on afterwards. Just sayin'. :)
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I truly feel sorry for you, old man...

All those decades ago you must have been bullied horribly...

After all, those bullied make the best bullies!

PS. never said Iceland was the destination, thicko! :LOL:
been there a few times - its a sh**e place to live. You can't even name your kids what you want.
been there a few times - its a sh**e place to live. You can't even name your kids what you want.
Been there several times also, but you obviously don't appreciate the benefits of the most peaceful country in the world...

The system of naming is there because of declination and trying to maintain a minor language. They also have different/lack of alphabet characters hence the rules...

And btw, you can't name your kids whatever you want in the UK either...

Plus most other countries have banned names lists as well.

You can't call your child William or Catherine in Portugal!
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dare say Iceland are desperate for people to move there

Lets face it the gene pool must be getting a bit thin :LOL:

every one is related to one another ;)
Been there several times also, but you obviously don't appreciate the benefits of the most peaceful country in the world...

The system of naming is there because of declination and trying to maintain a minor language. They also have different/lack of alphabet characters hence the rules...

And btw, you can't name your kids whatever you want in the UK either...

Plus most other countries have banned names lists as well.

You can't call your child William or Catherine in Portugal!

Isn't it funny you champion protecting culture and traditions unless its English culture and traditions.
plenty of peaceful places to live, many with day light.

I'm afraid the blue/dull hue of winter got to me, along with the culture.
Its on my list of places I want to go. Im sure I would enjoy what Iceland has to offer.
Isn't it funny you champion protecting culture and traditions unless its English culture and traditions.

Many of us have great sympathy for your love of Morris dancing, unelected Parliamentarians, Shakespearian comedy, and red phone boxes.

Not so much for your nation's traditional racism, though. I applaud recent attempts to reduce it.
Many of us have great sympathy for your love of Morris dancing, Shakespearian comedy, and red phone boxes.

Not so much for your traditional racism, though.

Well John If Im a racist its something Im not wanting to be, and certainly wouldn't be proud of. A racist to me is someone who is full of hate and makes no excuses.
I just want us all to be equal. Do you know what that means?
I do think however Racism has lost its meaning.
clarified to "your nation's traditional racism"
I applaud recent attempts to reduce it.

And so you should because it has been reduced this is shows In Football more than ever. Hence why its the wrong place to preach.
However I feel its going back the other way now.
clarified to "your nation's traditional racism"

I watched a Swedish series yesterday. A young Muslim girl was having a rant, Im not happy growing up in the most racist country in the world. "apart from the USA" she then went on to say.

We are a very excepting country. We have done our bit in making those from other countries welcome. Its now time for them to show appreciation. This will break down some of the barriers that still exist.
We have done our bit in making those from other countries welcome.

and the reverse.

Conservative candidate Peter Griffiths won an election with the slogan

"if you want a n****r for a neighbour"

What's this?

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