Main Stream Black Out.

Ritual slaughter is cruel , dont give a t*** what relegion it is

The EU export animals to some fruit cake coutries for ritual slaughter ;)

animal cruelty supported by some re-moaners ;)
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andy was joining in the anti-Muslim mob with his Islamophobe posts.

Being a bit dim and ignorant, he caught the Jewish religion in his abuse.

Poor dim, ignorant, Islamophobic andy.
For what, precisely?

For this?

I was absolutely correct, truthful and factual.


Sorry, Bodd, you are absolutely incorrect.
That article was used by John on 30 August 2016.
The article was dated 29 August. 2016

John's link to an article that was less than 24 hours old can by no means be described as 'old' news.
It absolutely was not fake. John reported the articles accurately.

Now if there was anything wrong with the news, you must blame the news reports themselves. John was reporting that news accurately.

I think you owe John an apology. Net time you ought to check the veracity of your allegations before making them.

I appreciate you might have been mixing with those vitriolic, serial abusers notch and transam. But that is no excuse for adopting their abusive and aggressive mannerisms.
You already did.

You moaned about Religious Ritual Slaughter.

It is a requirement of Jewish slaughter that all animals are killed unstunned.

It is not a requirement of Muslim slaughter that all animals are killed unstunned.

I did not mention Jews - you twisted it. However, see post 179.
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I condemn Kosher slaughter too.

You do now. But your original post was just Islamophobe ranting.

You probably don't even underrstand that Hallal meat need not be slaughtered unstunned. Any meat from any normal British slaughterhouse can be Hallal. With nothing for you to rant your hateful bile about.
You do now. But your original post was just Islamophobe ranting.

You probably don't even underrstand that Hallal meat need not be slaughtered unstunned. Any meat from any normal British slaughterhouse can be Hallal.

andy was joining in the anti-Muslim mob with his Islamophobe posts.

Being a bit dim and ignorant, he caught the Jewish religion in his abuse.

Poor dim, ignorant, Islamophobic andy.

andy was joining in the anti-Muslim mob with his Islamophobe posts.

Being a bit dim and ignorant, he caught the Jewish religion in his abuse.

Poor dim, ignorant, Islamophobic andy.

Another appeasing post ref animal cruelty from the habitual appeaser :LOL: no surprise tbh

whats c*****s view on this jewish slaughter practice ?
Are all Islamophobes ignorant and too lazy to find out the truth?

You do now. But your original post was just Islamophobe ranting.

You probably don't even underrstand that Hallal meat need not be slaughtered unstunned. Any meat from any normal British slaughterhouse can be Hallal. With nothing for you to rant your hateful bile about.

Explain "can be" and I might understand.
And that's got what to do with JohnD's posts about Harlow? Try and stay on track.
Some think that TR is a hero.
We all have different opinions.
You haven't been proven to have reliable opinions so far.

You support transam and notch in their abuse. You support ELFImpudence in his racist ideology. You accuse me of having various other names.
Your opinion is highly subjective and unreliable.
You have expressed your opinion about what you think John did. You have expressed your support for transam, notch, etc in their abusive behaviour.
You have expressed support for ELFImpudence's racist ideology. You have accused me of having different names.
Your opinions are unreliable.
I will make up my own mind about whether John misrepresented the incident in Harlow.
Try and understand the posts.
Are all Islamophobes ignorant and too lazy to find out the truth?


what truth :confused: slaughter of animals with out stunning ? is a cruel practice . Jewish , Islamic , christian , hindu, mooneys ect ect

Transam makes no distiction between any fruit cakes :cool:

so u dont care about the practice well Er :confused: no surprise there than :LOL:
You have expressed your opinion about what you think John did. You have expressed your support for transam, notch, etc in their abusive behaviour.
You have expressed support for ELFImpudence's racist ideology. You have accused me of having different names.
Your opinions are unreliable.
I will make up my own mind about whether John misrepresented the incident in Harlow.
Try and understand the posts.

Ok thats cleared that up than Himmagin ;) and I have been

mentioned in dispatches yet again :cool:
You have expressed your opinion about what you think John did. You have expressed your support for transam, notch, etc in their abusive behaviour.
You have expressed support for ELFImpudence's racist ideology. You have accused me of having different names.
Your opinions are unreliable.
I will make up my own mind about whether John misrepresented the incident in Harlow.
Try and understand the posts.
All you have to do is use the search function and then you can see the truth.

The rest of your ramble is exactly that, just ramblings that aren't related to the harlow question. It's just you attempting to lording it over (y). Or should I say, using your own weird logic, that you're just dishing out vitriolic abuse against me?! :LOL:
worry that my children will be given Kosher food at school and indoctrinated with Kosher beliefs
Does it taste different? Are your kids like Muslims are with pork? You sound like a right old snowflake. Well certainly a flake.

How does food indoctrinated with any beliefs differ from regular food - nutritionally?
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