Memories of an old time plumber

Not had much chance to post anything lately, been swamped with work.
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Don't have to work in Pakiland you wanna see the rain here at the moment, it is torrential, but at the same time it is really hot.
Might go and dance round the garden naked :LOL:
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Finally got round to putting a new washer on our kitchen sink today, I kept telling my wife that it was a big job and I needed to plan it out.
Isn't it your missus that posts on here under the name

'I'm gonna shoot that lying sonofabitch'
I've got to finish off the pointing that I started 3 years ago, got about another 20 yds to do then it is finished, told her that there is a shortage of yellow river sand. :oops:
Am also going to renew the cast iron gutters and down spouts, they must be original to the house, don't want to replace them with crappy plastic, will be renewing in cast iron but they are very expensive.
My house is a detached old manse so everything has to be in keeping, after all they don't have plastic gutters and downspouts on Buckingham palace do they :LOL:
I've got to finish off the pointing that I started 3 years ago, got about another 20 yds to do then it is finished, told her that there is a shortage of yellow river sand. :oops:
Am also going to renew the cast iron gutters and down spouts, they must be original to the house, don't want to replace them with crappy plastic, will be renewing in cast iron but they are very expensive.
My house is a detached old manse so everything has to be in keeping, after all they don't have plastic gutters and downspouts on Buckingham palace do they :LOL:

you can get plastic that has a profile to make it look like cast, gutter and downpipes, dont know price
Yeah I have seen them, not cheap but look good tho, can get the iron gutters where I buy my pipefitting stuff.
I remember buying lenghts of 3"cast iron rain water pipe for thirty bob each, in todays mickey mouse money £1.50, bout £30 now
saturday morning is my danger zone, the wife comes out with a list of jobs she wants doing, her idea of a work list is a roll of wallpaper, she must think I am superman
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