More censorship.

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Of course you haven't. Do you still point at planes?
And the above post and all the ones like it by you boyo is why so many people here think you're a dick.

And degree's of black? You mean biracial?
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There are degrees of black. If you understand this statement...You ain’t black enough; why you got pretty hair—your momma or daddy white?" then you will understand what I mean.
Good grief, what colour is the sky in your world?

You said black people could be racist against other black people. This is what I would like you to explain.
That is (clearer for you) - how people of the same race can be racist to each other.

Is the equivalent me being racist to you by calling you 'blank'?
Oh, is it the same? Can white people be racist to each other as well?
You is too white blank, you need to get out more.

However, you are now saying people of mixed race are inferior and all-black people are 'racist' to them as well.
If this is the case then n***** would probably not be the wisest word to use.

If you don't then you are either very naïve, very sheltered or blind.
Yes, that's probably it.

There are other instances but I'm off oot. Catch up tomorrow.
Yes, go and annoy the people of Staffordshire. Call them all boyo, taff.
From what I can find, spelled with an 'er' is pretty much still a no-go. But with an 'a', depends on who says it as you say..**********
Quite like the definition on urban dictionary;

Tupac best defined the distinction between the two.

****ER- a black man with a slavery chain around his neck.

****A- a black man with a gold chain on his neck.

I like that folk reclaim words, takes the power out of them. I think gay has also now been reclaimed :)
Interesting stuff really, shame that some folk can't just have a conversation about it without being branded racists.
You omitted the first sentence of that definition:
***** is a word which evolved from the derogative term "******".*****&defid=2082410

I find it staggering that anyone could argue the difference in order to try to prove that they are not intentionally using a racist expression!

a) You don't have to (use it). You won't explode if you don't. There's plenty of alternatives, expand your vocabulary a little.******-are-you-racist
You omitted the first sentence of that definition:
Everyone and their mother must know where the '....a' word originated from.
Everyone but you it seems.

I find it staggering that anyone could argue the difference in order to try to prove that they are not intentionally using a racist expression!
I think you missed the point.
In some instances, the n-word ending in an 'a' is used by black folk in a positive way. They've take the power out of the word. Good.
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Its a word that has been used for centuries and has only been deemed offensive in the latter part of the last century. Other words such as **** were used regularly to describe a person from Pakistan then later used as a derogatory term. A word still in everyday use and now also deemed offensive is Chinky, though to most people it is used to describe a take away meal. None of these words I have used are intended to be racist in this post.
From what I can find, spelled with an 'er' is pretty much still a no-go. But with an 'a', depends on who says it as you say..**********
Quite like the definition on urban dictionary;

Tupac best defined the distinction between the two.

****ER- a black man with a slavery chain around his neck.

****A- a black man with a gold chain on his neck.

I like that folk reclaim words, takes the power out of them. I think gay has also now been reclaimed :)
Interesting stuff really, shame that some folk can't just have a conversation about it without being branded racists.

How exactly do you verbally call someone a ***** / ****** AND both you and they know you put an "a" or "er" at the end?
I suppose it's because the use of these terms were altered to become offensive and derogatory at some stage.. Like how Jap wasn't anything but a shortening of the word before the war, but after the press and propaganda during the war (esp in the USA), it was considered to be a slur after the war ended.

Chinky, interesting point. I don't think I've heard 'Chink' for many a year here in the UK, not since I was a kid in the 70's, but then back then everything was a bit dodgy.

I guess with all of these words, the context is key...

Edit: I do find it interesting that this website doesn't hide these other derogatory terms. Just the n-word. It's almost like DIYnot is saying that the words Jap, Chink, **** are acceptable when we know that there are many people who would strongly disagree.......
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How exactly do you verbally call someone a ***** / ****** AND both you and they know you put an "a" or "er" at the end?
You don't, unless you're black? Then there's no need to explain?
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I guess with all of these words, the context is key...
Sort of, but
it is the people using these words who are offensive, not the words themselves - (as is evident by a couple on here).

Banning a word will do nothing to stop the people being offensive; they will just use other words (if they bother) which will lead to the other words being banned, and so on.

Obviously, n***** has special connotations because of the people's history of slavery and continuing abuse and persecution but the word is just a corruption, in the local English speakers' accent, of the French (which the people of the Southern States spoke) word "nègre" - which means "negro" - which means "black" as in some African people. Ironically this is the word now deemed acceptable by the black population despite all of its association in English with the worse aspects of human life - black arts, black magic etc. but to my mind, does not actually sound very respectful but if that's what they have decided, it will have to do.
There is no logic to it.

I recently, during a Portuguese lesson, when learning what was Portuguese for black - negro, heard a 'modern young' person say "Oh, I couldn't possibly say that word, do they still use it?".
You said black people could be racist against other black people. This is what I would like you to explain

I believe the slave trade was actually started by the Zulus in south Africa. They despised all the tribes underneath them, and considered them their cattle to do what they wanted with them, so they sold them into slavery to the Arab traders. Each tribe in the hierarchy felt that the ones below them were dirt, and this is where the original black on black racism started from. Now I wouldn't say that this attitude has translated itself directly to modern day society, but it is a good example of black on black racism (as is the Indian caste system. Modern day black racism, seems to be more based on just how "black" you consider other black people to be - which makes a bit of a mockery of the white middle class protesters that chained themselves together on the city airport tarmac, claiming black lives matter.
...but the point is it's not racism if they're the same race. Probably tribalism but can't be racism.
You could also argue that the Scots and the English are different tribes, but the enmity between them gets classed as racism. I can see where you're coming from, but as there is no "tribalism", racism has to be the definition.
Now that your comment from the middle of the night has been deleted this morning, for obvious reasons, how do you feel you are best positioned to judge what is and isn't racist?
Your comment contained numerous examples of racist terms. I can count them for you if you wish. I'll make it available for Gas Safe for them to judge.
Amazingly, your signature indicates that you are a Gas Safe registered person, then you see fit to use such racist terms!
The mind boggles.
Perhaps, it's you that needs to understand what is considered racist, and what isn't!

Not at all, I put a very frank and serious question to you and all those that choose to be racist by not understanding.

As did the forum and moderators who deleted a perfectly reasonable post. There was no hint of racism whatsoever! I asked a question. Simple as that.

Why do people feel the need to class a word a racist when it is not used in those terms?

I ask the mods now. What was wrong with my post and why was it removed? If it is allowed in main stream media and for my teenage kids and every other allowed to here it and sing along to it then how is it wrong?

@Himaginn please point out any time that I have been racist! I dare you and please do not side step the question. Answer this first before replying to anything else otherwise you have zero credibility on this post or this forum.

I will report this post to the mods as I expect an answer as to why my post was deleted too.

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