Moving keypad for Texecom Veritas R8

2 Feb 2010
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United Kingdom
I have a Texecom Veritas R8 in my house. I would like to move the keypad and wondered how easy this would be and if so in what order the 4 wires connecting the keypad to the control panel should be disconnected and reconnected.

eg. If I open the keypad, and inhibit the tamper alarm by typing in the code, will any further alarm sound if I disconnect the keypad wires? If I reconnect the keypad, does it need recommissioning?

I have on way of switching off the control panel itself. I can disconnect the mains, but it will still be powered by the battery.

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With mains off it will still have power.

Do as you say and then take a picture, and label the cables to each terminal.
In the panel with the power off remove the bottom fuse marked F4. Or it will be the one on the right depending on the particular model. Still F4.
Now move the keypad and refit.

Put the fuse back and close the panel.
Turn back on mains.
Enter code and test that all works.

Job done.
Thanks! Just to clarify, do I need the master service code or will my user-level code be all that is required? Because I don't have the master code and the installation company (for previous house occupiers) doesn't either ...!

Oh and will the battery in the bell box set the alarm off if I remove F4?
if its an R8 its only got one user code and one engineer code but if its an R8 plus there are more codes both look same, so your code should be ok to stop the internal tamper sounder and the keypad fuse does not affect the external sounder
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Thank you again, yes my code stops the tamper sounder. I'll give it a go ... but not at night!
Removing fuse F4 results in a tamper alarm sounding again ... and of course with the fuse disconnected I have no keypad to enter the anti-tamper code.

Sounds like I can't do this, unless there are any other ways of silencing it?

I presume disconnecting the battery is not an option?
That is because you have no engineers code, remove the (one) internal speaker cable ( there are two) and then remove fuse 4 . And do the work.
The fuse 4 removal is to stop a short circuit and blowing the fuse. Leave it in if confident.
Thanks you're absolutely right of course, I realised my mistake soon after posting.

Have now moved it and refitted, but the red tamper light is stuck on and I can't set the alarm.

I've had the control box lid off before, triggering a tamper alarm which I was able to reset with my user code - and been able to use the alarm since then.

However this time I can't clear the red light .... any ideas? No buzzer sounding, but showing as tampered.
Please ignore, removing and refitting the keypad and reentering my pin twice cleared the tamper. All good now and thanks so much for your help and advice!
Hi I have the same scenario. Did you manage to do it in the end without the alarm sounding throughout, or did you just do it quickly and put up with the alarm. Removing the internal speaker wire presumably doesn't stop the external bell from sounding, but I'm not sure this would anyway ?
Hi, from what I remember, if you switch the alarm off and disconnect the keypad wires, the "tamper" alert will sound constantly - but this will not result in the outside bell sounding.

So the only thing you need to do is stop the tamper from sounding by removing that fuse (and if you don't have a nervy dog that hates the noise,. you may not even need to do that!)
If 'you' are going to 'tamper' with your alarm, it IS going to sound, why would you want it any other way?

The alarm does not know who is tampering with it, does it!

There are ways, but you need the Eng. code
No, the alarm bellbox does not sound if you the alarm is not armed.

The only thing that sounds is the internal buzzer.
No, the alarm bellbox does not sound if you the alarm is not armed.

The only thing that sounds is the internal buzzer.
Yes, the alarm will sound, I did not mention inside or outside, but as you say, inside will sound.

As you have brought it up, let's hope outside doesn't, sometimes they do, not always, but sometimes.
Thanks, I'll give it a go shortly, in the hope that the external bell doesn't sound, but if it does 11am on a sun is reasonable I think ! I just don't want to be in a position that external is sounding and no keypad to stop it !

Like you I tried disconnecting the power and the battery but there is another battery in the alarm bell box.

Thanks all

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