My daily heating routine

I e reduced out heating this year from 21 degrees to 20, it's quite surprising how much less gas that 1 degree uses.

The heating is set for 6am and 8am , then during the day heating is set to 16 degrees, then at 4.30 till 9 it's set back to 20 degrees.

Weekends are set the same,

I work from home a couple of days a week and if I put a hoody on and put the hood over my head it's not uncomfortable.
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I'm "an old person" and my heating is on all day. Massive pollution going out of my boiler exhaust chimney and condensate all over. Do I care? Not one jot. I go out most days in my highly polluting petrol driven car and have absolutley no intention of going electric, in fact I am awaiting the delivery of a brand new highly polluting petrol driven car. If I can't pay on the day I will cross that bridge when I get there. Bloody snowflakes.
I'm "an old person" and my heating is on all day. Massive pollution going out of my boiler exhaust chimney and condensate all over. Do I care? Not one jot. I go out most days in my highly polluting petrol driven car and have absolutley no intention of going electric, in fact I am awaiting the delivery of a brand new highly polluting petrol driven car. If I can't pay on the day I will cross that bridge when I get there. Bloody snowflakes.
OK Boomer
Brief update on this as I know you're all very interested ;)

I've now introduced a MTB into my routine, Midday Temperature Boost. Heating on at 11.30, off at 13.00. In terms of my sealed unit (lounge/diner with doors to hall and kitchen closed) this small boost raises the temp to a reasonable level for a while at least and makes a difference when compared to not putting it on at all until 17.00 - 17.30.
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New heating regime - leave it on.
My heating is on full bore at present. Having a birthday party tonight for our eldest's' 21st. Wouldn't want the guests getting cold. Went to view a used car earlier and the reception room heating was broken. It was like sitting in a fridge. After about 40 minutes the cold had set into my core (bones). I could not get warm for the rest of the day. I'm just starting to thaw out now after a long hot shower. Apparently, not only was the heating broken yesterday, but the air con' was stuck on cold. :confused: