My Pet Hate Again!

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11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I drove home today - just 8 miles through S Manchester...

After noticing 2 drivers using their front fogs, I wrote down all the lighting anomolies and by the time I got home, the list read:

Front Fogs a further 9

Rear Fogs 3

No Lights 3

All the Front Fog Drivers were young, in a small hatch, and seemed to think it was cool to drive like this.

If any such drivers are reading this:


Kindly read your highway code, and stop behaving like arrogant selfish $%^&$£$"""$!!


Rant over. Till the next time I meet one.

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securespark said:
I drove home today - just 8 miles through S Manchester...

After noticing 2 drivers using their front fogs, I wrote down all the lighting anomolies and by the time I got home, the list read: ..... ..

You missed one -- drivers concentrating upon writing lists whilst driving !! ;) :D :D :D :D

Oooer, you actually got home after traversing UK Beirut ?
I always find, on my way home from Manchester, that the challenge is in getting in front of the t055ers using front fog lights, and then sticking my rear fog lights on to give them a taste of their own medicine. Anybody coming towards me with front fog lights on get the main beam treatment. Does this make me as bad as them? Do I care?
Front fogs, whilst they shouldnt be on unless conditions dictate they do not blind you. Rear fogs stop the brake lights being as noticable. I personal think that front fogs are used as driving lights in conditions that do not require you to have lights to see, but more to be seen.

I think the lights on my mondeo may even be called driving lights, they certainly do not illuminate and as fog!!!!(well I live in LOndon)
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chambsesf said:
Does this make me as bad as them?

No, but it does make you eligible to join "AdamW's Club for the Elimination of Chav Scum Driving with Foglights When Not Foggy", or AWCECSDFWNF. Snappy title.:cool:

I once had someone driving behind me with their foglights burning away. So I put my rear fogs on, they then took the effort to get alongside and tell me my foglights were on! :LOL:

Simon, I was thinking about this the other day and I think I know why they do it. Back in the Max Power days, when foglights were something of a rarity on small cars, people would fit them and use them to make the car look wider. Because wider cars are often faster (not including the Hummer of course!). So, it is a hangover from the days of wide-arch bodykits. Now all chavs do it without realising this, they do it because they think it makes them look cool.

I saw someone driving in the dark with just parking lights and foglights a few weeks back (presumably they would have only used foglights if they would switch on without sidelights first). Earns extra "I'm so cool" points amongst the local chavvery, but the amount of light cast on the road ahead was so minute that I doubt he could have seen if a brick was lying in the road ahead. :idea:

Of course this only applies to foglights recessed into the airdam. I have never seen anyone driving around in a (proper) Mini Cooper with their round spots switched on.
chambsesf said:
I always find, on my way home from Manchester, that the challenge is in getting in front of the t055ers using front fog lights, and then sticking my rear fog lights on to give them a taste of their own medicine. Anybody coming towards me with front fog lights on get the main beam treatment. Does this make me as bad as them? Do I care?

Sorry, have to disagree. Front "fog" lights aren't fog lights, they are driving lights, giving better peripheral vision. How can anyone say they dazzle them when they are directed (dipped) onto the road. Have you ever tried driving with full beam ahead in fog, completely pointless, you must as specified in the highway code, drive with your front headlamps dipped in fog (here "driving lights" can help, they are aimed downwards). Rear lamps are different and are there to show that you exist. I personally have an issue when drivers put thier rear fog lights on when it is raining, thus rendering it impossible to know when they are braking. I have never been dazzled by front "foglights" Front facing spotlights are a different matter though.
Eddie M said:
Front "fog" lights aren't fog lights,

What does the button to turn them on look like in your car then? Only in every car I've ever been in, it looks remarkable like the rear fog light button, but with the beam facing the other way. If this is different in your car, please post a picture so we can see!

Eddie... you haven't traded the LC in for a Nova have you? :LOL:
Eddie M said:
thus rendering it impossible to know when they are braking.

Yes, damn those cars with a central high-level foglight ;)
Diyisfun said:
Front fogs, whilst they shouldnt be on unless conditions dictate they do not blind you.

I beg to differ - fog lights, which are usually set low below the bumper or in the front spoiler, cause no end of glare and reflection, particularly when the road surface is wet i.e. in drizzle/rain.

Perhaps there is somebody who will argue that drizzle/rain constitutes poor visibility and hence the need for foglights to be on??
Eddie M said:
chambsesf said:
I always find, on my way home from Manchester, that the challenge is in getting in front of the t055ers using front fog lights, and then sticking my rear fog lights on to give them a taste of their own medicine. Anybody coming towards me with front fog lights on get the main beam treatment. Does this make me as bad as them? Do I care?

Sorry, have to disagree. Front "fog" lights aren't fog lights, they are driving lights, giving better peripheral vision. How can anyone say they dazzle them when they are directed (dipped) onto the road.

Sorry - I have to say cobblers to that - as stated, front fogs are fog lights (and often share a common switch with the rear fog light) and cause glare and reflection on a wet road surface. They do indeed dazzle and their common use when not required is a pet hate of mine too. Must follow somebody home one night who is using them unnecessarily, and stick my boot through the lenses.
On the subject of driving (aka spot) lights -v- fog lights, the lenses often reveal what they are and thus their intended use and purpose. Driving and spot lamps typically have a clear lens to give a 'pencil' beam for penetration (oo-err missis) and long-distance vision. Fogs on the other hand have a 'frosted' looking lens, to give a low and wide spread of light which is supposed to get beneath the fog and not cause reflected glare back towards the driver.

Time I stopped going on about this now, must have struck a nerve somewhere.....

Good this foum aint it?!
H. Code said:
94: You MUST NOT
Use any lights in a way which would dazzle or cause discomfort to other road users
Use front or rear fog lights unless visibility is seriously reduced. You MUST switch them off when visibility improves to avoid dazzling other road users.
Law RVLR reg 27

201: You MUST
Use headlights when visibility is seriously reduced, generally when you cannot see for more than 100 metres (328 feet). You may also use front or rear fog lights but you MUST switch them off when visibility improves.
Law RVLR regs 25 & 27

The small matter of the red print means this is Law and not just advisory.
Pretty well defines 'seriously reduced visibility' as 100 M .. not far !!
Therefore m'lud I put it to you that most fog light use is..... F'ing illegal at best and criminal at worst !!
But never mind, it must be ok. ... the cameras do not pick it up as unlawful !!
Generaly 'spots' or driving lights should be wired through the main beam, such that they switch off when lights are dipped ... we had this in the 60's and later came the very nice 'dipping' Cibie Biodes ..
If I remember rightly that the fog lights being lower is design to see the edge of the kerb or road in the fog.
Eddie M said:
chambsesf said:
I always find, on my way home from Manchester, that the challenge is in getting in front of the t055ers using front fog lights, and then sticking my rear fog lights on to give them a taste of their own medicine. Anybody coming towards me with front fog lights on get the main beam treatment. Does this make me as bad as them? Do I care?

Sorry, have to disagree. Front "fog" lights aren't fog lights, they are driving lights, giving better peripheral vision. How can anyone say they dazzle them when they are directed (dipped) onto the road. Have you ever tried driving with full beam ahead in fog, completely pointless, you must as specified in the highway code, drive with your front headlamps dipped in fog (here "driving lights" can help, they are aimed downwards). Rear lamps are different and are there to show that you exist. I personally have an issue when drivers put thier rear fog lights on when it is raining, thus rendering it impossible to know when they are braking. I have never been dazzled by front "foglights" Front facing spotlights are a different matter though.

You would rather know ther is a driver in front of you in heavy rain on the motorway than say hello to him as you pass through his windscreen!! So, rear fogs in heavy rain on motorway are a good thing
Yes, I remember in the past the distinctive wide, flat, cut off beam from the fog light really noticeable in the fog, as you say mounted low, angled slightly for kerb .. never aligned to dazzle anyone !!

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