Nicola Bulley

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15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
I can’t make sense of this.

some things don’t add up:

the dog was off it’s harness - why would you do that on a dog walk?

did she “fall in the river” - I would’ve thought if you slipped in a river, you would be near the river bank, surely there would’ve been skid marks etc on the bank.

the phone was still connected to a Teams meeting with her work -a “sudden event” might have led her to not end it…..but then why undo dogs harness?

Maybe she was led away at gun point or something who knows
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Sometimes the police lead the press in a certain direction to encourage the perpetrators to lean in and expose themself. I'm not saying its the case here, but they run angles contrary to the evidence.
Theory is:

- let dog off lead because she wanted to sit down and have meeting on teams
- dog gets into trouble
- NB rushes up to help dog (leaves phone connected in haste to help dog)
- falls into river

Cctv, dash cams, doorbell footage etc: no evidence of NB leaving the river.
In older photos the dog is off harness & a tennis ball is on the ground, when dog was found it was dry
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She may've tripped over the dog, fallen face first in the cold water, took a mouthful in shock, floundered is weird.
As a dog owner and been in a similar situation, my guess is that she was sitting on the bench making a call, dog was off harness, she was throwing ball, ball went in river, she thought dog might go in for it, put phone on bench, tried to retrieve ball, fell in.

I personally know how hard it can be to get out of a lake - and I was not in a running river plus I was in just my underpants, not fully clothed!

We had six dogs run down to the lake and jump in. When we got down there we could only see four and one of those we had to scruff out of the lake due to the steep sides. Two were missing and didn’t respond to the whistle (they are well trained working dogs and have never done this). As far as we could tell, they had all run down, four had jumped in but two had came back but we had taken a different route down and missed them. They went off searching for us. Anyway, when I had been in the lake for a few minutes searching amongst the reeds (this was at least 5 minutes after we had been running up and down the bank looking for them), someone came along asked us if we had lost a pup. My friend followed their directions and found them a fair way away leaving me floundering trying to get out the lake! Relief of the highest order I can tell you. We both thought we'd be taking two bodies home with us. Of course, then it was all laughs but I tell you, we were both frantic and near to tears at the time.
Tidal range is about 5-6m depending on Neaps/Spring, so I'm guessing it flows pretty quick at times.
Surely a ball lost in a flowing river is swept away in no time, you wouldn't think to try and retrieve it out of there and in that location, whilst you were on a call?


But hard to see any other conclusions other than she went in somehow. How deep is it there?
She may've tripped over the dog, fallen face first in the cold water, took a mouthful in shock, floundered is weird.
Or if you're unconscious before you hit the water then it's all over very quickly.
Chap told a story in t'pub last night when he was out playing as an 8yr old in the '70's. They had this stream where they'd grab a branch & use it to swing over to the other bank. His mate swung back & dropped into the stream. They raised the alarm instantly & 2 adults were in the water in minutes, but it was in flood & fast flowing. It was 2weeks before they found him.

She's in the river & the river isn't ready to give her back yet.
Surely a ball lost in a flowing river is swept away in no time, you wouldn't think to try and retrieve it out of there and in that location, whilst you were on a call?
I would if I thought there was a chance my dog was going to go in after it. My dog loves a swim and many times when I’ve been near a lake or stream with a ball, she seems to deliberately drop it near the bank and then go in after it. It’s a game she likes to play.

It seems a logical reason as to why a dog walker would leave their phone on a bench connected to a call.
I would if I thought there was a chance my dog was going to go in after it. My dog loves a swim and many times when I’ve been near a lake or stream with a ball, she seems to deliberately drop it near the bank and then go in after it. It’s a game she likes to play.

It seems a logical reason as to why a dog walker would leave their phone on a bench connected to a call.
Perhaps she went along the path to the river, where you see steps cut into the bank on the picture above, and over reached?
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