Oh great!! The fireworks have started.

22 Sep 2005
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Preston, Lancashire
United Kingdom
It's like world war 3 outside tonight. Where do these kids get the money from to watch it burn this freely from now till Nov 5th? :rolleyes:
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gcol said:
It's like world war 3 outside tonight. Where do these kids get the money from to watch it burn this freely from now till Nov 5th? :rolleyes:

get your revenge... find out where they live, get your kids ( if you have any ) to bang on their doors after midnight ,trick or treating :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
dont worry about the fireworks, a well known car dealership near us has started its January sale...ffs :rolleyes:
Why don't they restrict the sale of fireworks to tow days before the event?
(For New Years Eve fireworks you can only buy the 'works' from 30 December on in The Netherlands, not much problems before. Here it is sometime really ridiculous - fireworks going off for two weeks now already!)
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Fireworks every Saturday night during the summer on Southend pier :rolleyes: No wonder the pier keep burning down :LOL:
I think if you check you will find that the majority of the fireworks around this time are the followers of the muslin faith celebrating the end of ramadam.
At least it is around this neck of the woods, very colourful too.
This may help;
The Muslim month of fasting
Muslims use the lunar calendar and the fast of Ramadan is in the ninth month of the year. During Ramadan, Muslims fast during daylight hours – they are not allowed to eat, drink, smoke or have sex. After sundown, they pray, eat a meal called the iftar, and visit friends. The following morning the fast starts again before sunrise, and this is repeated for 30 days in a row.

On the evening of the 27th day of Ramadan, Muslims celebrate the Laylat-al-Qadr (the Night of Power) when, according to Islamic belief, Muhammed first received the revelation of the Qur'an. According to the Qur'an, this day is when God determines the course of the world for the following year.

Fasting is one of the Five Pillars (duties) of Islam and all observant Muslims fast from about the age of 12. The purpose is to remind them of the suffering of poor people, to practise self-control and to pray in a community with other Muslims. In many mosques, one thirtieth of the Qur'an is recited on each night of Ramadan so that the whole book will have been read by the end of the month.

Ramadan ends with celebrations of the festival of Eid al-Fitr

Be well throughout the year!
mlb3c said:
enlighten me

what's the occasion? :confused:
For Proper celebration do a google on Bonfire Celebrations Lewes East Sussex Cliffe Bonfire Society ;) That`s how it should be done :LOL: ........NO P*****
Nige F said:
For Proper celebration do a google on Bonfire Celebrations Lewes East Sussex Cliffe Bonfire Society ;) That`s how it should be done :LOL: ........NO P*****

not like the old days when they used to roll the barrels of tar on fire down the hill and bonfire jumping Nige!

They can get quite violent around the county in the weeks leading up to it as all the rival bonfire societies in the surrounding villages have their own do's!
No, we're celebrating the attempt.

The failure is source of great sadness.

Guy Fawkes: the only man who ever entered Parliament with honest intentions. :)
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