Oink Oink

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
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When I saw the title of your thread, I thought it was going to be about the troughers in the pretendy parliament in Edinburgh.
When I saw the title of your thread, I thought it was going to be about the troughers in the pretendy parliament in Edinburgh.

Figures, I suppose it's different to the clown parliament in Westminster.
20th September: National Pig Association claims farmers are weeks away from a mass cull because of the lack of CO2 needed for the slaughter of the animals.

Pig farmers say CO2 shortages could trigger first mass cull for 20 years | ITV News

I did chuckle at this bit of the story: Not only is this hugely distressing for the farmers who have cared for these animals and reared them
Actually love, the farmers really won't be distressed about the animals being killed, they kill animals all the time, or have someone do it for them, it's what they do.

SO, the govt bails out the 2 factories who produce most of the country's CO2, and then, 2 weeks later: every butcher and abattoir worker has disappeared off the face of the world.

Up to 120,000 pigs in UK face culling due to lack of abattoir workers | Supply chain crisis | The Guardian

Yep, the National pig association claims farmers are weeks away from a mass cull because of the lack of abattoir workers.

My money is on Boris sorting out the abattoir worker situation, and the the National Pig Association will then claim farmers are weeks away from a mass cull because pigs aren't happy with the fact that Australia cancelled their deal with France for unsuitable old tech submarines.
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Actually love, the farmers really won't be distressed about the animals being killed, they kill animals all the time, or have someone do it for them, it's what they do

A typical brexer that isn’t interested in facts.

CO2 chambers make pigs fall asleep.

Pigs are very sensitive to the smell of pig blood and get extremely distressed at mass callings on farms.

And actually farmers do care about their animals.
SO, the govt bails out the 2 factories who produce most of the country's CO2, and then, 2 weeks later: every butcher and abattoir worker has disappeared off the face of the world

Yes Filly, Brexit is causing multiple problems.

Interesting that there’s Coke Cola had to stop production at their factory in UK but not in NI.


because NI is still inside the Single Market……it’s jolly handy to be part of a big marketplace when there’s a shortage.
The problem is the pigs have grown too big to be processed.

Cheap EU pork flooding market as cull of unwanted pigs begins at UK farms
Government ‘are standing by and watching this happen’, a leading supplier said

Lovely, everything is going as planned.

So Farmers will go bust and sell up, their land will be sold at depressed prices, all to be hoovered up by the same choice few.

Buy British Pork.

Not only is the government standing by and watching, they knew it would happen and are now saying that it is not a problem at all.

For reasons I cannot fathom, the government think it is better to kill our farmers and import food from Europe. There must be a reason for it, but I cannot work it out.
For reasons I cannot fathom, the government think it is better to kill our farmers and import food from Europe. There must be a reason for it, but I cannot work it out

Not many Tory MPs are involved in farming it not a cash cow for their mates

and farming isnt a big vote winner -they dont want to be seen as giving farmers subsidies, that smacks of the CAP.

Farming is dying out in the UK -we will be a land of glamping sites
Not only is the government standing by and watching, they knew it would happen and are now saying that it is not a problem at all.

For reasons I cannot fathom, the government think it is better to kill our farmers and import food from Europe. There must be a reason for it, but I cannot work it out.

Ideology and depressed land prices.

Farmers who tradionally vote Tory and voted for Brexit will after closing their farms down and selling up will turn around and still vote Tory. Tories allow you to do one thing, punch down.

So these now ex Farmers will punch down to people on benefits, immigrants etc.
Dunno if it’s related

but there is a shortage or appears to be of pork joints in sainsbury :confused:

Oh well bought chicken instead
Well you best get yer Xmas gammon joint soon, cos there won’t be any……

Unless we import them all from EU along with turkeys

If they come via France you may have a problem

be prepared for a french blockade

the scoundrels are seriously up set over some thing :confused:
Could be the Polish.

yep Poland’s most senior court ruled that Polish law takes precedence

Poland cannot function as a sovereign state if it allowed the EU
To influence areas where it had not defered powers to the bloc

French are going to throw there toys out of the of the Pram again
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