Old folk don't remember the tory 3-day week!

MPs saw a massive 10% increase in their pay in 2015, followed by a further 1.4% in April this year,

The pay rise was implemented by the government’s independent watchdog – so it went through automatically – but all of the party leaders told their MPs to donate the extra money to good causes.

But just a few months on, a Sun investigation has found that only 25 of these MPs say they’ve made the promised donation.

They are:


  • Andy Sloughter
  • Neil Coyle
  • Conor McGinn
  • Gisela Stuart
  • Gloria del Piero
  • Ivan Lewis
  • Jack Dromery
  • Jo Cox
  • Vernon Coaker
  • Yvette Cooper


  • Andrew Percy
  • Andrew Stephenson
  • David Mowat
  • Dominic Raab
  • Jason McCartney
  • Kevin Foster
  • Maria Caulfield
  • Nicky Morgan
  • Paul Maynard
  • Richard Fuller
  • Chris White
  • Nicola Blackwood
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The pay rise was implemented by the government’s independent watchdog – so it went through automatically – but all of the party leaders told their MPs to donate the extra money to good causes.

But just a few months on, a Sun investigation has found that only 25 of these MPs say they’ve made the promised donation.

They are:


  • Andy Sloughter
  • Neil Coyle
  • Conor McGinn
  • Gisela Stuart
  • Gloria del Piero
  • Ivan Lewis
  • Jack Dromery
  • Jo Cox
  • Vernon Coaker
  • Yvette Cooper


  • Andrew Percy
  • Andrew Stephenson
  • David Mowat
  • Dominic Raab
  • Jason McCartney
  • Kevin Foster
  • Maria Caulfield
  • Nicky Morgan
  • Paul Maynard
  • Richard Fuller
  • Chris White
  • Nicola Blackwood
Dozens on both sides of the House refused to say if they had given it away or pocketed it themselves.
Like the one public sector workers are in today?
Not quite Johnnyboy, In the 1960's Labour's wage freeze meant exactly that,,, 0% rise in wages, yet people on benefits , who didn't work, warranted an increase in benefits.
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Not quite Johnnyboy, In the 1960's Labour's wage freeze meant exactly that,,, 0% rise in wages, yet people on benefits , who didn't work, warranted an increase in benefits.

I don't know what you used to earn in the 1960's, mate.

But benefits are not pay. They were calculated to be just enough to allow you to live in poverty, without actually making a nuisance of yourself by dying in the street, or rioting for food. If the cost of keeping you alive and in poverty changed, for example with inflation, the calculation would be altered and, after a delay, would be increased to be just enough to keep you alive for a bit longer.
Thatcher built up coal stocks to take the miners on and it worked. She applied the laws of supply and demand and eventually all the pits closed, in the meantime we bought polish coal at higher prices, and sold council properties at up to 75 % discount ( market forces didn’t apply when it meant votes). 30p Lee’s Dad to his credit stayed out on strike against the actions of the majority of north notts coal area. Eventually Bliar came in, shafted the midlands and north and people voted brexhit.
Arthur Scargill was attacked and ridiculed in the right-wing media for saying that Thatcher's objective was to destroy the British coal industry.

But he was right.
She was very environmentally aware. Ahead of her time, I’d say. If you could restart it nowdays, would that make you happy?
I remember a "Minder" episode where Arthur and Terry were discussing a shifty, workshy character called Shamy (played by Art Malik, if I recall).

Arthur - "When he heard about the three day week, he panicked. He thought it was compulsory!"
Thank God all these strikes - nurses, doctors, driving examiners, ambulance drivers, firemen, postmen, teachers, train staff etc etc will come to an end when Labour are in government. They will come to an end when labour are in government, won’t they? Someone? Anyone?
Thatcher built up coal stocks to take the miners on and it worked. She applied the laws of supply and demand and eventually all the pits closed, in the meantime we bought polish coal at higher prices, and sold council properties at up to 75 % discount ( market forces didn’t apply when it meant votes). 30p Lee’s Dad to his credit stayed out on strike against the actions of the majority of north notts coal area. Eventually Bliar came in, shafted the midlands and north and people voted brexhit.
Keir Starmer was part of the legal team who fought on behalf of miners

here is Arthur Scargill mentioning him specifically

Labour are in government. They will come to an end when labour are in government, won’t they? Someone? Anyone?
Probably a different approach. The Tory approach is a variation on what has often been used to break strikes. In this case just don't hold talks and stick to what they have said in the hope this will cause them to end for some reason. Maybe public pressure. A strike generally means being after something they know they wont get. There is always room for manoeuvrer. No union wants to destroy the business that their people work in as that means less jobs. They often look at a companies financial circumstances. When jobs are going they will always try to reduce or delay the rate but know that they will happen as they have to. If that means some left will have to do more they will want a cut of the savings.

;) In Labour's case they may get some help from the unions concerned. LOL So some might then say all strikes are aimed at the Tory party.

NHS - a bit different. I'd have thought most people are aware of the problems the workers in that area have been made to suffer Then if we want it we need to pay for it and the people want a salary that matches what they should be able to get from qualifications etc and other factors. There is also a privatised mess within it. It supposed to be more efficient but is it? It's a tough thing to sort out now in a number of areas.
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