
20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
Heard on the radio this morning that Poland may well be ? or will be suspended ? or sanctioned by the EU .

as some of there recently introduced laws / legislation is not in keeping with EU democratic values ?
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You're thinking of this

"Rule of Law in #Poland | During the last two years, more than 13 laws affecting the entire structure of the justice system were adopted in Poland.

The common pattern is that the executive and legislative branches have been systematically enabled to politically interfere in the composition, powers and functioning of the judicial branch.

Despite efforts for a constructive dialogue for 2 years, our concerns have deepened. It is with a heavy heart that we have concluded that there is a clear risk of a serious breach of the rule of law in Poland."

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:rolleyes: dunno it was reported on the news today that Poland may well be suspended/ sanctioned ??

Radio 4 news
you haven't read the link, then, or watched the vid.
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Leaving aside the issue of whether or not Polands' new laws are democratic, this shows that NO country in the EU now has sovereignty because they can be dictated to by Brussels.
Shame we don't have the balls to tell our judiciary what they should be doing, rather than letting them do what they think the ECJ would do when they decide on a case.
NO country in the EU now has sovereignty

Sure they do. They can abide by the rules, or they can decide they don't want to be members any more.

Just like 52% of the UK voters.

Michael Gove can explain it to you.
Sure they do

Oh yeah John; what part of LaLa Land are you living in. Apart from you hoping that we won't get out, the EU is making it damned hard for us to get out, and they're are putting so many constraints on us, that it could be years before we do get any form of sovereignty back.

They can abide by the rules they agreed to when they joined

Shame they keep adding new rules so that we no longer have the club we originally joined, isn't it.
"it could be years"

the UK wants to keep getting the benefits of membership, so that it will be 2020 before the transition period we asked for ends.

I wonder which of the four possible options Theresa and her cabinet will decide to ask for?

They still haven't decided.

David Davis argued that Britain could negotiate both its divorce and a new trade deal within the two year Article 50 period. Obviously, he was talking nonsense.

The EU has said the transition period should end by 31 December 2020.
No, it's one of the reasons that we voted for Brexit. Currently, we can't evict immigrants that have committed crimes, because they can go to the ECJ for a final ruling, so our judges work on the basis that if they go there, what would the ECJ do, yet they should be making the decision based on British Law, not EU law.

John goes on about the UK not doing things, but blaming the EU for what is often our own governments failings, and he's perfectly right, but it's also our judiciary that's letting us down, and at the end of it, they are both deferring to the EUs dictates.

The freedoms that are getting protected, are the immigrants that have committed crimes, yet can't be chucked out because the EU will say they have a right to a family life here, and that the rights of their victims rights are subservient.

Poland's trying to correct it, and I'm not saying they are right, but I think they're are sticking a thumb up at the EUs overriding attitude.
Poland is just the start tbh

it will all start to un-ravel . The EU are bricking it ;) they have already or will be altering there immigration quota rules ;)

discontent with the Euro in Italy ;) Italy & Greece have been turned into a refugee camp.

eastern Europe will not have it . so the EU had better pull there eads out of there arris's whilst they still can (don't bet on it though)

Austrians want more national laws back ?
No, it's one of the reasons that we voted for Brexit. Currently, we can't evict immigrants that have committed crimes, because they can go to the ECJ for a final ruling, so our judges work on the basis that if they go there, what would the ECJ do, yet they should be making the decision based on British Law, not EU law.

John goes on about the UK not doing things, but blaming the EU for what is often our own governments failings, and he's perfectly right, but it's also our judiciary that's letting us down, and at the end of it, they are both deferring to the EUs dictates.

The freedoms that are getting protected, are the immigrants that have committed crimes, yet can't be chucked out because the EU will say they have a right to a family life here, and that the rights of their victims rights are subservient.

Poland's trying to correct it, and I'm not saying they are right, but I think they're are sticking a thumb up at the EUs overriding attitude.

...and yet -

"it could be years"

the UK wants to keep getting the benefits of membership, so that it will be 2020 before the transition period we asked for ends.

I wonder which of the four possible options Theresa and her cabinet will decide to ask for?

They still haven't decided.

David Davis argued that Britain could negotiate both its divorce and a new trade deal within the two year Article 50 period. Obviously, he was talking nonsense.

The EU has said the transition period should end by 31 December 2020.

the EU set the 2 year deadline in some treaty years ago . They obviously did not think it through , not unusual for the EU tbh. hence the crisis in the Ukraine

merkel did not think her imigration caper through either
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