Poor quality of potatoes

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
Is this just a local problem? I'm finding potatoes which although they look fine on the outside, the skin - inside they are often black. I usually buy pre-packed from Lidl, whom I complained to their head office, but recently tried the coop and another local shop with the same result. I find I am having to throw away half the weight, due to the black.
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Same problem with some pots I've had from Tesco's. I wonder if the pots have been in cold storage for too long? Or suffered excessive delivery delays during importation so are on the point of rotting? I'm informed by a farmer that purplish patches inside a pot indicates too much nitrogen fertiliser was used, but these recent defects are black, not purplish.
I also find that pots these days want to start sprouting as soon as you get them home, whether you keep them at room temperature, or in the fridge, in the light or in the dark!
Same problem with some pots I've had from Tesco's. I wonder if the pots have been in cold storage for too long?

I noticed on a warm day, the potatoes I picked up in Lidl were very cold, so obviously they do chill them.

I bought a bag in the Coop on Tuesday, by today - the second time I used them, some were sprouting, but the worst problem was the internal black and trying to find enough of each once peeled, to be fit to use. Bought Tuesday and they had some black then, binned today as unfit for further use. I store them in the cool, dark pantry.

I'm just back from Lidl and have bought another bag, but a different variety. When my first partner was alive, we used to buy them by the big sack and they would last for many weeks - delivered to the door, by a local farm shop, at £10 for the sack.
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A farmer in Pembrokeshire grows potatoes and doesn't own them. All bought by a supermarket and go into local cold storage until they want them. No idea how common that is but just about everything is chilled when stored or gas one way or another in bag that contains them. All to extend shelf life.

Sometimes potato is a bit green when peeled. Not all that long ago pregnant women were advised not to eat them.
We grow our own. I’ve yet to dig ours up but last year we dug them up late in the year and put them in a sack under the stairs. They lasted well into March. It was surprising how much moisture they retain.
I used to have this problem with both Lidl and Aldi spuds. It went away for a long time, then came back last week.
Plenty of potatoes rotting in the fields...

'Pick your own' doesn't seem to have caught on yet...
My daughter took part in a potato sack race last week. The quality was shocking.
No winners or loosers
It's not just the poor quality of potatoes. Can't even get a decent bag of chips these days. They used to be a bit greasy and taste nice. Now they're dry and tasteless. Also 3 quid a bag near me! Won't be bothering again.
It's not just the poor quality of potatoes. Can't even get a decent bag of crisp these days. They used to fill the bag ! Now half empty Won't be bothering again.
Some of the spuds we eat from supermarkets might be 9-12 months old. Agree with the OP about the sad state of them. Inertia means it's not worth the grief in returning them. I pay extra for Roosters, which are a nice cooking spud, and rarely 'bad' under the skin. I know I'm paying extra for a brand, but there's less waste.
Inertia means it's not worth the grief in returning them.

I'm not so much bothered about the returning of them, but the waste of time peeling, then having to cut them up small to ensure there are no hidden bad bits in the middle, plus of course having to go out unexpectedly to rush out to buy more because of the poor yield.
Judging by my latest packet of crisps - it's not just you effected by bad potatoes. This doesn't say much for KP's QC though! :(

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