Prices of Take-away Food

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
When we used to buy fish and chips, we would get 4 x F&C, 1 x S&C, 2 x curry sauce, 1 x mushy peas plus a couple of cans. This used to cost around £22.

Mrs Secure brought some chippy food home tonight. Number 1 boy is away at uni, so there was one less F&C.

And the bill was £39.....not doing that again!

Anyone noticed price increases in take away food?
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Anyone noticed price increases in take away food?

Yep, across the board, Indian, Chinese. All started going up during Covid, making up for lost earnings I suppose. We've pretty much knocked them on the head recently, it's poor value, especially given we can still get a decent carvery on a Sunday for 10 or 12 quid.
We've got an excellent chippy nearby which although not cheap, the portions are so big we can get 1 f & C and it'sd more than enough for two.
When we used to buy fish and chips, we would get 4 x F&C, 1 x S&C, 2 x curry sauce, 1 x mushy peas plus a couple of cans. This used to cost around £22.

Mrs Secure brought some chippy food home tonight. Number 1 boy is away at uni, so there was one less F&C.

And the bill was £39.....not doing that again!

Anyone noticed price increases in take away food?
The prices have gone up and the portions are smaller.
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fish and chips shops main business costs are

sunflower oil / veg oil

all massively increased in price.

I reckon we will see loads of fish and chip shops will close - upto a third has been suggested.

Im sure the 45% tax rate cut will make a huge difference……
fish and chips shops main business costs are

sunflower oil / veg oil

all massively increased in price.

I reckon we will see loads of fish and chip shops will close - upto a third has been suggested.

Im sure the 45% tax rate cut will make a huge difference……
Caviar and chips will be cheaper .
We normally have skate or cod but I noticed that when we were in the Lake District a few weeks ago, we only had the option of 'fish' and chips. Turned out to be haddock. Oh, and they didn't know what a Wally was (pickled gherkin). A few years ago when a load of us were staying in Yorkshire for the new year, we sent someone out for 10 cod, 2 haddock and 4 skate. We were told "we don’t do that, it’ll have to be haddock". As it was a large order, we also got given some free 'pop' and some 'bits'. The 'bits' turned out to be the oily bits of batter that fall off the fish in the frying oil. We chucked them on the open fire at the place we were staying and apart from making the whole place smell like the chippy, they flared up so much we had flames and sparks coming out of the chimney! Great fun!

Here's our current prices. places#menu
We normally have skate or cod but I noticed that when we were in the Lake District a few weeks ago, we only had the option of 'fish' and chips. Turned out to be haddock. Oh, and they didn't know what a Wally was (pickled gherkin). A few years ago when a load of us were staying in Yorkshire for the new year, we sent someone out for 10 cod, 2 haddock and 4 skate. We were told "we don’t do that, it’ll have to be haddock". As it was a large order, we also got given some free 'pop' and some 'bits'. The 'bits' turned out to be the oily bits of batter that fall off the fish in the frying oil. We chucked them on the open fire at the place we were staying and apart from making the whole place smell like the chippy, they flared up so much we had flames and sparks coming out of the chimney! Great fun!

Here's our current prices. places#menu

The oily bits you describe are "scraps" didn't realise it was just a Yorkshire thing but they're lovely, add a bit of crunch to your meal.

My lad works in a chippy and he said everything has gone up and surprisingly potatoes have increased massively
The oily bits you describe are "scraps" didn't realise it was just a Yorkshire thing but they're lovely, add a bit of crunch to your meal.
When I was young, I remember them being called 'crackling'. A portion of chips was 6d (six old pennies - two and a half new pence) and crackling was 1/2d. An old halfpenny.
Every friday I'd break away from the School and I'd skate along to the Fish & chip shop at my own place.
(I didnt rush in them days) 4 x F&C mushy pees curry sauce and 2 big fat wallys.
Cod really as it was
was only 6 squid
I haddock a clue but I think the crusty old trout behind the counter fancied me.... I could have been white bait as I was only a minnow.
'Two big fat wallys' sounds all kinds o' wrong to me...but i'll assume they're battered sausages.
Never really got on with those things.
Haven't been to a chippy for years but the best i ever found was in Whitby: crispy chips and cod battered to a golden perfection. Mushy peas, of course, and lashings of S&V. Always tasted better after a few pints and that day had just the right balance of alcohol to food, scoffed down looking out to sea.
'Two big fat wallys' sounds all kinds o' wrong to me...but i'll assume they're battered sausages.
Wallys are pickled gherkins.

Fish is mainly imported...

Value of the pound has dropped a lot since 23/07/2016...

So no surprise as to price hikes due to the UK economy having been fish tanked!

A self inflicted disaster!
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