Remploy Closures

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Talked about this tonight in our house as there is a remploy near me in bolton, what ****ed me off is a while back some conservative said "we need to get them proper jobs"

Lost for words. :cry:
maybe they should subside them in normal workplaces. That would stop them feeling like they are somehow 'different'.

Why have we never had a wheelchair news reader or weather person?
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I'm really upset about how things are going with the coalition.

LimDems had their chance: they joined up with the Tories to get them in the door, agreed a "programme" and now guess what?

The "programme" is out the window, Nick is toothless and the Tories are up to the same old sh*t...

"Got money? Have loads more!!!!"

"Not got enough? Touch, we're gonna make sure we take more away....."

Branch next to our works closed down about 3 or 4 years ago. They went on strike and were told someone was interested. They came back to work, received their P45's and were then told the deal was off with the prospective buyers. Think there was 45 or 54 people there at the time.
maybe they should subside them in normal workplaces. That would stop them feeling like they are somehow 'different'.

Why have we never had a wheelchair news reader or weather person?

We had Ironside the lawyer.
The point is, they are closing 27 loss making Remploy factories.. They made a combined loss of £68.3m last year. In context that's just over £2.5 m per factory a year.
I wonder how many businesses in the private sector could withstand this sort of loss in one years trading?
Perhaps the government have looked at the situation and have realised it's cheaper to have these people sit at home doing nothing, than paying them to make such losses?
Talked about this tonight in our house as there is a remploy near me in bolton, what p****d me off is a while back some conservative said "we need to get them proper jobs"

The operative word in your statement Libby, is "Proper Jobs." Not heavily subsidised ones, making such huge losses.

Again I find myself in agreement with Joe.
maybe they should subside them in normal workplaces. That would stop them feeling like they are somehow 'different'.

Whilst I have every sympathy for these disabled people (my partner is disabled too) I do feel we need a rethink about their role in any workplace. I'm sure many of them could be employed in the Jobcentre plus. Let's get the able people there off their ar**s and out doing a real job. A person in a wheelchair can sit behind a desk and operate a computer.
Perhaps the government have looked at the situation and have realised it's cheaper to have these people sit at home doing nothing,

I wish they would apply the principle to the whole bleeding public sector.

Government (that's us taxpayers) shouldn't be in the business of subsidising jobs, and disabled people deserve equality so shouldn't be treated any differently.
Frank Gardner and Gary O'Donoghue are regularly seen on BBC News
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