Remploy Closures

The point is, they are closing 27 loss making Remploy factories.. They made a combined loss of £68.3m last year. In context that's just over £2.5 m per factory a year.
I wonder how many businesses in the private sector could withstand this sort of loss in one years trading?
Perhaps the government have looked at the situation and have realised it's cheaper to have these people sit at home doing nothing, than paying them to make such losses?
Talked about this tonight in our house as there is a remploy near me in bolton, what p****d me off is a while back some conservative said "we need to get them proper jobs"

The operative word in your statement Libby, is "Proper Jobs." Not heavily subsidised ones, making such huge losses.

Again I find myself in agreement with Joe.
maybe they should subside them in normal workplaces. That would stop them feeling like they are somehow 'different'.

Whilst I have every sympathy for these disabled people (my partner is disabled too) I do feel we need a rethink about their role in any workplace. I'm sure many of them could be employed in the Jobcentre plus. Let's get the able people there off their ar**s and out doing a real job. A person in a wheelchair can sit behind a desk and operate a computer.

Bang on.

Doing the sums it works out .....

1421 people (according to beeb) / 27 factories = 53 (rounded) per factory.

2.5 million loss per factory / 53 people = £509433 per person.


securespark said:
This should never happen. I don't care what excuse the Government gives for the closures, it's wrong, full stop.


What the bleeding hell is wrong with you!
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Actually it's £50K per person, but I agree with the point.

It'd be far cheaper to pay these people to sit at home producing absolutely nothing.

Remploy have been very successful in recent years in placing disabled people into proper jobs with commercial companies - and have helped those companies make adaptations in order to do this.

Surely that's a better way to spend the money than just sticking disabled people into artificially subsidised make-work factories which are part workhouse and part ghetto.
Actually it's £50K per person, but I agree with the point.

Lol, should have been more careful with my zero's.

Still 50k a year per person is utterly ridiculous, and that will be on top of their various disability allowances (which I agree with, but cmon).

Mind you, what's another few million on the deficit, our children have to pay it, not us, so just keep spending!
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Artificially subsidising a business which is making annual losses of £50,000 PER EMPLOYEE is not providing meaningful work opportunities for disabled people.

The £68 million which Remploy factories lost last year alone could have paid for specialised computer equipment, building or vehicle adaptations, support workers, and any number of other things which would have enabled tens of thousands of disabled people to be helped to find long term meaningful work in real companies.
Plenty of "businesses" are subsidised

Low usage bus routes
Wind farms
Arts venues

Why pick on Remploy
One of the biggest richest companies in the world, Asda/ Wal Mart, in their distribution center in Portbury there are pickers working in the warehouse that are also claiming some sort of family allowance. :confused:
From Remploys own mission statement.

"Remploy’s mission is to transform the lives of disabled people and those who experience complex barriers to work by providing sustainable employment opportunities.

We believe in greater inclusion and equality for disabled people through sustainable employment.

We believe that work is a key element of an independent and fulfilling life, and that everyone has skills and abilities to offer"

A business which loses £50K per employee each year can hardly be described as sustainable.

And ghetto-ising disabled people by shoving them out of sight into dark satanic mills hardly promotes inclusion and equality.

They've had great success in working with mainstream employers to place disabled people into real jobs. They placed over 20,000 people last year.

The £68 million loses from last year alone could have easily placed as many again. That's what Remploy should be concentrating their resources on.
One of the biggest richest companies in the world, Asda/ Wal Mart, in their distribution center in Portbury there are pickers working in the warehouse that are also claiming some sort of family allowance. :confused:

Barristers and bankers all receive Family Allowance - it's a universal benefit, everyone with kids gets it.
I cant remember what sort of benefit but it was something other than child benefits.
Tax Credits, Housing Benefit, Income Support, Council Tax benefit, free school meals - all potentially available to anyone who is working in a low paid job.

Nothing special about Asda warehouse employees.
Plenty of "businesses" are subsidised

Low usage bus routes
Wind farms
Arts venues

Why pick on Remploy

Because they provide things people want or need (except art, art shouldn't be state subsidised).

These factories do not provide things people want or need (or they wouldn't be losing money).

inky pete said:
Nothing special about Asda warehouse employees.

But but but ASDA are RICH!

They should pay way about market rates for jobs, cus otherwise they are evil!
They are evil, apparently there are more litigation charges in the US against Wal Mart than anyone else.
Looking on the positive side of things... Have taken an interest in Remploy cost (to the taxpayer - ihowever few remain !!) per employee
Link : Does every Remploy place cost £25,000?


In 2011 it could be said that numbers of disabled people benefiting from Remploy in 2011:- 20,079+5,217 = 25,296
Government grant-in-aid 2011. to Remploy £116.8 million ÷ 25296 = £4,617 per person, £12.65 a day !! That's a result isn't it ?

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