Rotator cuff tear.

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
Any one else had it? Pretty sure I have it as my shoulder has been giving me gip for the last two weeks after turning my mattress! Waiting for the doc to get back to me with a date got the x-ray. Bloody painful though - can’t even sleep at night.

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Depends on what movement you have in your arm/shoulder.
I thought I'd possibly torn mine a few weeks ago but it turned out to be a strained ligament which passes through the AC joint in your shoulder.
Still got a mild ache 3 weeks later and if I turn my arm in a certain direction it will ache like billy-o for a few hours.
Try Ibuprofen to reduce any swelling and paracetamol for pain relief.
In most circumstances it is quite hard to tear your rotator cuff muscle but quite easy to strain it.
What mobility do you have in it? As we get older its easier to pull tendons and ligaments. Pressure on the pain areas which increases the pain normally indicates muscle, no change suggest connecting tissue. a shoulder massage to loosen the muscles will help either way. The cure tends to be rest and stretching.

Unfortunately as its a muscle it won't show on x-ray but that will rule out other bone related causes. Easy diagnosis is if you reach behind you into your trousers / shorts / jeans back pocket its painful or even impossible. Cure is through a really good chiropractor - exercises, acupuncture (yes really) and ultra sound. Its not a quick fix though and will take time to heal.
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I'm sure it happened before about 6 months ago and I seem to remember it took about three months to get better. :(
Keep it moving as this keeps it flexible. Total rest, when not strictly necessary, is to be avoided or else it will stiffen up and be harder to move.
Goes without saying that it will also take longer to heal if you don't exercise it but I'll say it anyway. ;)
NHS physiotherapy dramatically improved a shoulder impingement injury, it took a good few months and I still do the exercises. Don't see why it should be different for rotator cuff injury. Don't be tempted to cure it yourself or waste money going to a private physio.

Any one else had it? Pretty sure I have it as my shoulder has been giving me gip for the last two weeks after turning my mattress! Waiting for the doc to get back to me with a date got the x-ray. Bloody painful though - can’t even sleep at night.

Im sorry to hear that

I recommend trying a sports injury clinic or a private physiotherapy clinic -usually the first appointment is around £60-£70 mark
Any one else had it? Pretty sure I have it as my shoulder has been giving me gip for the last two weeks after turning my mattress! Waiting for the doc to get back to me with a date got the x-ray. Bloody painful though - can’t even sleep at night.

Yes I believe so, from reading up on it and the differences between that and a frozen shoulder. After suffering and ignoring it for three months, to the point where I was moving about supporting it with my other arm, I finally rang for an appointment during covid - a telephone appointment with the physio of all things. I suggested 'frozen shoulder', physio accepted 'frozen shoulder' and suggested some exercises, things I had instictively been doing already, which hadn't really helped. Over the following 12 months, as it wasn't improving, I arranged two more appointments, all they would provide were phone appointments, which each ended with if it doesn't improve, to ring back. It actually took two years, before it eased and I got close to full movement back around April of this year. I do still feel slight pain, if I move it to certain positions.

I'm pretty sure the gentle 'keeping it moving helped', yet avoiding more strain.
I've had a problem with my left ankle, all of my life, on and off. At school, if I started running, after a few steps it would twang and for a few steps I would have to hop along on the right. Once it had twanged, it would be fine for the remainder of the run - I was a cross country runner.

I still suffer a variety of the problem and I am suffering from it at the moment. It 'went' a couple of days ago - it rolled out from under me, so that my weight was transferred to the outside edge of my left foot, rather than the flat of my foot. Once it happens, it then happens numerous times and without any warning at all it just goes. I can be walking along fine and without warning, over it goes. Two or three days of walking warily, in case it lets go and all goes back to normal. It's at its most risky, going up and down stairs, so I'm going up and down, one step at a time clinging to the banister just in case.
I've had a problem with my left ankle, all of my life, on and off. At school, ……
Same here with this shoulder. I used to represent my school in the javelin. One day while in a competition, I pulled something in that shoulder and its never been right since! I find it hard, for instance, throwing something overarm so have to throw underarm.

Anyway, the pain during the day is bearable but last night I could just not get to sleep and I’ve phoned my GP requesting some heavy duty anti-inflammatory pain killers. Waiting for the call back now.
Anyway, the pain during the day is bearable but last night I could just not get to sleep and I’ve phoned my GP requesting some heavy duty anti-inflammatory pain killers. Waiting for the call back now.

I have never liked taking pain killers - pain is the bodies way of telling you that you are causing damage.
People can get shoulder pains for all sorts of reasons. I had one for a while from really straining doing something. It may have been movement and nerves being under pressure. Sent for an ultrasound scan and they found a small muscle tear. Must have been an old one and not the cause. Some thoughts about the nerve aspect. If that happens they can remove some bone. As it turned out a steroid injection fixed it and it hasn't come back. That knocked some inflammation some where or the other on the head.

I know one person where that operation worked out. It seem some regret having it. The ultrasound man said he looked at loads and loads of shoulder problems and most of the time it didn't show any reasons.

The injection - the doc said he could do me a favour and mentioned doing 250 a year. Sounded like I used one of them but didn't quiz him on the subject.

I may get aches in this sort of area from sleeping awkwardly on my side. Especially the side that had a problem but in a different place. Rather than diy diagnosis on the web if it gets to be a consistent problem I'll see a doc. I'd guess long term wear and tear probably figures. It often does.
Any one else had it? Pretty sure I have it as my shoulder has been giving me gip for the last two weeks after turning my mattress! Waiting for the doc to get back to me with a date for the x-ray. Bloody painful though - can’t even sleep at night.
The pain is bearable during the day but it’s keeping me awake at night and I’m lucky if I can get a couple of hours sleep. The Doc has prescribed me some Naproxen tablets and Zapain capsules. I’ve never had either of those before. I took them an hour ago and don't feel any different. Bloody pain relief tablets never seem to have any effect on me apart from giving me constipation! :rolleyes: The postman has just come and I have an X-Ray appointment for next Thursday. I bet that will be a waste of time as well - I’m falling to pieces!
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