Russia report released today.

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All those I have spoken to were appalled by his soft spoken/condescending blackmail attempt.

It would not surprise me, if Obama's speech changed the result.


Stood shoulder to shoulder with the USA

In every Conflict since WW2 ( Vietnam excluded)

And Obama comes over here and tells us we are at the back of the que

Keeps his nose out

He did the stay in Europe campaign immense damage

Stood shoulder to shoulder with the USA

In every Conflict since WW2 ( Vietnam excluded)

And Obama comes over here and tells us we are at the back of the que

Keeps his nose out

He did the stay in Europe campaign immense damage

The hatred of Obama but the fawning of Trump.

I wonder why.
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The hatred of Obama but the fawning of Trump.

I wonder why.

Obama is an intelligent clued up politician

Which tbh is unusual in American presidents

He could hold his own in pm questions

Trump is a buffoon :LOL:

But that is not the point
Special in the same way an abuser tells his victims that they are "special" and promises them nice things.
Obama blatantly used the threat of economic blackmail to determine the outcome of a democratic referendum in aforeign state.
The fact he did it openly showed that he didn't care how it would go down amongst the British public.

Nice move though.
Forget Russia, forget Aaron Banks, it was good old Barack that secured a victory for 'leave'.

Cheers Barack, back of the net.
Trump - we will have the best deal, an amazing deal - if you take our chlorinated chicken, GM food, open the NHS.

Now we won't be agreeing any US deal before November.
Trump has that sorted, anyone who gets poisoned by Trumps chlorinated chicken will have the privilage of being rushed to intensive care in one of Trumps private hospitals.
If your mum always told you to wear clean underwear in case you have to go to hospital in an emergency, make sure you always have your credit card as well to pay your medical bill.

Stood shoulder to shoulder with the USA

In every Conflict since WW2 ( Vietnam excluded)

And Obama comes over here and tells us we are at the back of the que

Keeps his nose out

He did the stay in Europe campaign immense damage
The British were in Vietnam before the Americans and the French, by all accounts they had the Viet minh defeated but because Vietnam was a French colony they pulled out and let the French take over and the rest is, as they say, History.
Trump has that sorted, anyone who gets poisoned by Trumps chlorinated chicken will have the privilage of being rushed to intensive care in one of Trumps private hospitals.
If your mum always told you to wear clean underwear in case you have to go to hospital in an emergency, make sure you always have your credit card as well to pay your medical bill.

Yet they are gladly voting for it.
Why would the Russians fear peace in Eastern Europe.
Russia feeds on conflict, they hate that the EU has brought peace and prosperity to that region

European integration is spreading across Ukraine which wants to join the EU.
Stood shoulder to shoulder with the USA

In every Conflict since WW2 ( Vietnam excluded)
Except for:

The First IndoChina War
Laotian Civil War
Lebanon Crisis
Bay of Pigs Invasion
Simba Rebellion
Communist Insurgency in Thailand
Korean DMZ Conflict
Dominican Civil War
Insurgency in Bolivia
Cambodia Civil War
South Zaire
Soviet-Afghan War
Operation Eagle Claw (Iran Hostage Crisis)
Gulf of Sidra
Lebanese Civil War
Invasion of Grenada
Gulf of Sidra
Bombing of Libya
Invasion of Panama
Intervention in Haiti
Operation Infinite Reach
War in North-West Pakistan
Operation Observant Compass (Uganda)

There aren't many parts of the globe that US has not been in conflict:

Russia feeds on conflict,
By the accounts from people fantasising about the glories of empire.

And nothing much has changed!

UK citizenship test 'misleading' and 'false' on slavery

"The information about British history given to people who apply for citizenship is 'demonstrably false', according to a group of academics.

In an open letter published in an academic journal, the historians and authors accuse the government document of misleading applicants about several aspects of British history.

They claim the UK's role in the international slave trade is downplayed, and that the end of the British Empire is described as "mostly peaceful" when it was not."
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