Sat Nav

30 Jun 2009
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United Kingdom
Not really in to new or old gizmo's!
But it seems I have a need for a Sat Nav.
Just got a couple of contracts with property letting agencies, so get to go to places I have never been before, but sometimes at short notice and I get lost quite easily when in strange places.
So any pointers on buying one?
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I have a tom tom one and have for a couple of years and can recommend it .....but tbh its the only one I have ever has after it was recommended to me so cant comment on other ones....use it about 3 times a week and no probs so far
Its the tom tom one xl classic, cant say the price of it though as it was a present
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Either tom-tom or Garmin for the decent stuff

You could also do something like an iPad or Galaxy tablet and add tom tom , cynic, navigon etc.

Personally I'd go for tom tom everytime tbh.
3 family members with Tomtom, havent had any problems yet.

You 'avin a larf??

My TomTom regularly tries to route me down roads where I know there is not a way through for vehicles....

It's even more annoying when I don't know the roads and it does that.

And the lane is very narrow.

And twisty.

And long.

And there's no turning point at the end.

And I have to reverse my LWB Hi-roof Tranny back out.... :cry:
Derryboy....that looks ok and easy to use, go for it and get the free case....
My Tom Tom One wasn't right from day one. The support from Tom tom was rubbish too.
Obviously I know the area where I live and it never wanted to take me the best route so I'm sure that in areas I didn't know it did the same.
When it was just out of warranty I couldn't switch it off, then the battery went flat and it wouldn't come back on again after charging.
Tom Tom didn't want to know.
Just do what man has done for years, use a sence of direction and a map.
You could get yourself a half decent Smart Phone and get a Sat Nav app. TomTom has always been a decent app on my Windows phone but it's way out of date now. Some of the Android phones have excellent Sat Nav apps. However, you say you don't do gadgets so maybe a dedicated device would be more beneficial. Either way, they are excellent devices.
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