Sensible northerner accidentally interviewed by BBC


17 May 2012
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United Kingdom
BBC did a live interview, didn't go as planned. They didn't show it in any later editions, but 1.1million people have seen it on Twitter already. What a hero. Restores some faith in our country.

Most shocking is the way the interviewer dismisses it by laughing and saying "clear labour supporter" - why does she assume he supports labour? Bizarre. Well, not bizarre. We all know what is going on here.
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Bishop Auckland, isnt that near durhamplumber?

Perhaps its DPs dad :ROFLMAO:
Bishop Auckland, isnt that near durhamplumber?

Perhaps its DPs dad :ROFLMAO:
Yes..tiz Co.Durham.You know that Notchy...having stayed in Bish!Majority of 500 and odd to Labour..I fancy that will be overturned to Boris...A lot of people sick of Labour.Never thought I would see the day Co.Durham turned Tory.Miners will be turning in their graves.Only pit left is a drift mine in Beamish museum if any young lads wish to see what a proper days work was!!.
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I remember prior to the referendum we had some Northern plumber who claimed everybody he met was a Quitter and there were no remainers.
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I remember prior to the referendum we had some Northern plumber who claimed everybody he met was a Quitter and there were no remainers.
He must have been talkin rot as usual!
Anyone up north voting Tory have been conned by Brexit. Brexit will not solve their problems it will increase them.

The Gov role is to redistribute income and investment to areas lacking jobs and prospects because this actually helps the UK economy as the marginal returns for every £ spent in a deprived area is more than one in say London.

The North has lost many of its manufactring industries and is still lacking investment.
Anyone up north voting Tory have been conned by Brexit. Brexit will not solve their problems it will increase them.
It's the same with other UK regions...

Since the level of 'understanding' also appears to be directly opposite to the level of EU regional funding...

They have been brainwashed to cut off their noses in order to spite their rather blank looking faces!
Anyone up north voting Tory have been conned by Brexit. Brexit will not solve their problems it will increase them.
We shall see.Rest assured,any negatives,you will blame brexit,any positives you will say"would be better in EU".....
We shall see.

Just think about what you just wrote. No evidence to support your version of Brexit, nothing. I think you know Brexit will have huge negative consequences, you know that you are wrong but you cannot change your minds as you think it will make you look like a fool. A bigger fool is the one who doesn't change his mind after he has seen the truth.
"Who's more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?" Obiwan Kenobi, around a decade after Brexit ...

he also said, "The Brexit Party and UKIP. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."

True story.


I said true story, so you cannot dispute it. That's the rules of the interweb.
Just think about what you just wrote. No evidence to support your version of Brexit, nothing. I think you know Brexit will have huge negative consequences, you know that you are wrong but you cannot change your minds as you think it will make you look like a fool. A bigger fool is the one who doesn't change his mind after he has seen the truth.
As I said,,,predict what you like,we shall see!..
bigger fool is the one who doesn't change his mind after he has seen the truth.
Absolutely...What you fail to comprehend is the gulf between your ideas and fact.Because you think it,does not make it truth!
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I think you know Brexit will have huge negative consequences, you know that you are wrong but you cannot change your minds as you think it will make you look like a fool.
Stop talking rubbish,why would I look a fool changing my mind on brexit???????Could not give a ff what anyone thinks if I wish to change my mind I would,Thankyou.
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