Shortage at my Sainsbury's!

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oh dear more brexit failure

May 2022

Bumpy times ahead for Brexit Britain’s supply chains​

There’s a broad consensus across supply chain experts and industry leaders that Brexit’s impact is real, but the extent of the impact varies. James Hookham is the director of international shipping trade body the Global Shippers Forum. He says Brexit reduced the number of lorry drivers in the UK from 2020 and caused bureaucracy-related delays, especially when full UK border controls came into force at the end of January 2022. More controls on food and animal products are still to come, trade between the EU and Britain has dropped dramatically

brexit is still the biggest problem for retailers


Feb 2022

When asked to give the three main challenges they had experienced due to Brexit, 41% of retailers in the UK stated that supply chain issues had been one of the largest challenges, 33% said staffing issues, 31% said import and export tariff concerns, 26% stated profits in the face of slumped sales and 18% said the decline in sales.

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There are shortages in the shops, and there has been since (and during) the scamdemic.
food price rises, Brexit a major factor.

Who would’ve thought massively increasing trade barriers between UK and our biggest and closest trade partner would cause prices rises

“Fresh food prices were the most affected by rising costs, with farmers reporting that they were struggling to cope with the rising cost of labour since Brexit”

food price rises, Brexit a major factor.

Who would’ve thought massively increasing trade barriers between UK and our biggest and closest trade partner would cause prices rises

“Fresh food prices were the most affected by rising costs, with farmers reporting that they were struggling to cope with the rising cost of labour since Brexit”

Food price inflation in Germany is currently 11.1%, that's a lot higher than the UK, Germany, if I'm not mistaken, are still in the EU.
Food price inflation in Germany is currently 11.1%,

Slowed in June.

I said 'food inflation', you mis-quoted me by just stating 'inflation', don't do that, it makes you look dishonest.

As for general inflation, watch this space, industry will shut down and Germans will be burning furniture to stay warm before Christmas.
I said 'food inflation', you mis-quoted me by just stating 'inflation', don't do that, it makes you look dishonest.

As for general inflation, watch this space, industry will shut down and Germans will be burning furniture to stay warm before Christmas.
Brexit is sh1t whatever metric its measured by

40% of exports go to EU, our largest and closest trade partner

creating massive trade barriers was always going to damage the economy….permanently.
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