Smoke in space.

28 Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
If you hold a lit cigarette on Earth, the smoke rises smoothly and then goes all random and disperses. If you held a cigarette in space what would happen to the smoke? (Ignoring the fact it would go out due to lack of oxygen)
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Somehow, some way it would get up some 'ex smokers' nose so they can bleat on about 'the dangers of smoking' :LOL: :LOL:
I think you'll find that a spacecraft is a place of work and therefore smoking is no longer permitted...
I think I heard that a flame goes out in zero gravity since there are no convection currents to take the smoke away and bring more oxygen.
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ninebob said:
I think you'll find that a spacecraft is a place of work and therefore smoking is no longer permitted...
didn't know we had any british spacecraft up there? :)
It would probably exhibit pretty similar characteristics to earth-born smoke, would dissipate in a fairly uniform and unsolicited manner until molested by solar winds, gravitational influences, non-smoker originated petulent wafts etc.

Ignoring as you said the obvious lack of oxygen.

Let's wait for BOB to inject some experienced input........
Lets just say you took a balloon in space full of smoke and yea stuck a pin in it, what would happen

A. Balloon goes bang and the smoke escapes everywhere

B. Balloon stays up.

C. Balloon goes down slowly and a jet of smoke

D. Balloon goes Bang but the sphere of the smoke in the balloon floats in space.
when we say "space" do we mean zero-gravity or do we mean vacuum or do we mean both or do we mean something else?
Also, is it public space or private space? This post could have wider-ranging public disorder consequences.

Oh yes. Big Brother ain't just a TV programme people (so I've heard anyway, don't watch it meself or 'owt).
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