So laws is making a comeback.

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He should have been slung out of parliament altogether.

If someone who works with children is found out to be abusing that trust, they'd be out on the sex register and never be allowed to work with them again.

Similar principles should apply to MP's who abuse the public's trust.
So on that basis anyone who's ever lost their job having been found in breach of company policy/misconduct etc should never be allowed to work again?

How far should we take this?
God help anyone caught fiddling a CV to advance their prospects or even just getting a job.

And those who claim they have NEVER fiddled their expenses (and genuinely haven't) will be in a very short queue.
So on that basis anyone who's ever lost their job having been found in breach of company policy/misconduct etc should never be allowed to work again?
not in that company.

How far should we take this?
God help anyone caught fiddling a CV to advance their prospects or even just getting a job.
off topic really, but since you mention it providing false qualifications is grounds for legitimate termination of employment.

And those who claim they have NEVER fiddled their expenses (and genuinely haven't) will be in a very short queue.
So that makes it OK then? :confused:
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How far should we take this?
God help anyone caught fiddling a CV to advance their prospects .
I called myself a Scatology Engineer on my CV . It just landed me in the S**t :cry:
So on that basis anyone who's ever lost their job having been found in breach of company policy/misconduct etc should never be allowed to work again?
not in that company.

How far should we take this?
God help anyone caught fiddling a CV to advance their prospects or even just getting a job.
off topic really, but since you mention it providing false qualifications is grounds for legitimate termination of employment.

And those who claim they have NEVER fiddled their expenses (and genuinely haven't) will be in a very short queue.
So that makes it OK then? :confused:
I'm not defending him, more pointing out the problems we face of double standards
Certainly the industry I work in,(care work) someone found guilty of any sort of abuse would never work in that industry again (they'd find themselves on the POVA list).
As for the falsifying of a CV, surely someone who falsifies the qualifications on it, will soon be found out when their employer realises their knowledge, doesn't match up to the qualifications listed?

Anyway, David Laws fiddled over £40,000 in expenses to give his rent boy (sorry partner)
Was he charged and dealt with by the courts? Hmmmm (perhaps he should have been)
Mind you, I remember a certain gay, member of parliament, coming back twice (after some sort of sleaze) Ended up with a Lordship (courtesy of Blair and Brown)
I'm not defending him, more pointing out the problems we face of double standards
My main point is the he is a public servant who is in his job paid for by the taxpayers, representing the taxpayers and in a position of considerable trust. As such he, and his ilk, should be sacked in precisely the same way that if a nurse or doctor was found nicking drugs from the pharmacy for his mates would be.
He should have been slung out of parliament altogether.

If someone who works with children is found out to be abusing that trust, they'd be out on the sex register and never be allowed to work with them again.

Similar principles should apply to MP's who abuse the public's trust.

There is obviously different catagories to different crimes, there is NO WAY you can put fraud on the same level as a paedophile. Do you agree? They say peedos do not change their spots, so lets do humanity a favour and slaughter them, on the other hand if you've been caught with your fingers in the till and have been dealt with by law i dont think you would make the same mistake again so if they're good at their job i've no problem letting them continue with their ministerial roles.

On a similar vein, if you're married and are accused of philandering in front of your wife what are you going to say? Clinton and Archer, whatever they did behind closed doors with consenting ADULTS is nothing to do with us, and as for Tiger Woods, he was having his cake and eating it. :cool:
He should have been slung out of parliament altogether.

If someone who works with children is found out to be abusing that trust, they'd be out on the sex register and never be allowed to work with them again.

Similar principles should apply to MP's who abuse the public's trust.

There is obviously different catagories to different crimes, there is NO WAY you can put fraud on the same level as a paedophile. Do you agree? They say peedos do not change their spots, so lets do humanity a favour and slaughter them, on the other hand if you've been caught with your fingers in the till and have been dealt with by law i dont think you would make the same mistake again so if they're good at their job i've no problem letting them continue with their ministerial roles.
He abused a position of trust. He should be sacked and not allowed back
If he did the crime and done the time whats the problem, or is the fact that you are a labcon voter influenced your views?

Like what happened recently when we had a chance to reform the way we vote, a lot of people took the opportunity to punish Cleggy for not keeping his promises even though he is not in charge. Small people small minds, look at the bigger picture, look outside your box, and you dont have to vote for the loony party or whoever just because your father did.

I feel a lot better for getting that off my chest, now back to the painting. :confused:
He should have been slung out of parliament altogether.

If someone who works with children is found out to be abusing that trust, they'd be out on the sex register and never be allowed to work with them again.

Similar principles should apply to MP's who abuse the public's trust.

There is obviously different catagories to different crimes, there is NO WAY you can put fraud on the same level as a paedophile. Do you agree? They say peedos do not change their spots, so lets do humanity a favour and slaughter them, on the other hand if you've been caught with your fingers in the till and have been dealt with by law i dont think you would make the same mistake again so if they're good at their job i've no problem letting them continue with their ministerial roles.
He abused a position of trust. He should be sacked and not allowed back
And extend that to the House Of Lords.
If he did the crime and done the time whats the problem,

Problem is though, pred,, We don't know yet whether Laws will turn out to be a serial offender.(like Mandelson :cry: ) There's many a con in prison now who have committed crime after crime, after crime and haven't learn't anything from the experience. ;) ;)
If he did the crime and done the time whats the problem, or is the fact that you are a labcon voter influenced your views?

He as done no time,all he did was resign from the treasury,he kept his job as a lying thieving MP.
If he did the crime and done the time whats the problem, or is the fact that you are a labcon voter influenced your views?

He as done no time,all he did was resign from the treasury,he kept his job as a lying thieving MP.

But he was making 10 times as much as a city trader.
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