So they knew all along...

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23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
What we already knew!

"Ministers were warned about the dangers of private equity taking over the water industry in a briefing that has been kept secret for 20 years"

"The report being withheld from publication predicted the state of the privatised water industry today, and warned against private equity being allowed to move into water firms.

It was prepared for the Competition Commission (now the Competition and Markets Authority, CMA) in 2002 and has never been published in full. It should have been released under the 20-year rule last summer, but despite repeated attempts to have it published it is being kept secret.

Today, as private equity dominates ownership of the water sector in England, bringing with it high levels of debt and underinvestment leading to sewage pollution, water shortages and leaks, the author of the report has called for full disclosure of his warning two decades ago."

The corruption of corporate governance in the UK knows no bounds!
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What people carried on voting for privatisation? I was never asked to vote on it. Unless you mean those that voted for the corrupt tories. To be honest after blurr there wasn't anyone else although I haven't voted for anyone since thatcher destroyed this country.
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I never voted for privatisation

Did not know there was a vote on the caper tbh

Last time I voted for any politician in a general election was the 80s
I know

We don't need multiple threads on the same subject
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