Sociopathic leaders...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Here we have borisconi who claims a "massive success” in reducing the number of fatalities from coronavirus, despite figures showing England has had the highest excess death rate in Europe.

And on the other side of the atlantic there is trump who wants to 'postpone' the election for an indefinite period because of a non proven fraud risk.

The real tragedy is the idiots that voted them in will suffer the most!
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But they won't realise, or care.

It's the folk who do know what is going on (like you & me) that I feel for.
Both countries have people in power that are only interested in 2 things: making more money, and being in power for as long as possible.

Everything else, and everybody else, can go hang. Literally. There's a reason why so many people have died in the UK and US - it is because for so many years the governments have found all these old people an inconvenience. They simply do give a flying thuck.
While old people may be an inconvenience as you say, they do tend to vote Tory or Republican. So possibly a useful inconvenience.
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Yeah, I guess they wouldn't want all of them to die. Just the poorer ones that need public health services and don't donate to the party.
Then there's Putin, who recently set upon changing the law that limits the amount of time people can serve as president.
They're all corrupt & power crazy.
Yeah, I guess they wouldn't want all of them to die. Just the poorer ones that need public health services and don't donate to the party.

So skillful of them to engineer a Virus that mainly Targeted the elderly.
Then there's Putin, who recently set upon changing the law that limits the amount of time people can serve as president.
They're all corrupt & power crazy.
I think the internet has led to the rise of populist politics.

Sadly misinformation spreads faster than the truth.

If only all the internet contained accurate information like this forum.
Yep Putin sending his assassins around the world to bump of his critics

And turning space into a weapon zone

China with there concentration camps

mad mullahs in Iran building there bomb

The fruit cake in North Korea who has already built his bomb

Afghans who have embraced solar energy enabling them to increase heroin production by more than 50%

But all of this is insignificant :LOL:

The biggest threat to the UK according to the Bell *nds in here ;) is all those who voted Brexit :LOL:

And some buffoon in the US who is likely to be put out of office come November :LOL:
Yep the remoaners

Those of superior intellect


Well some of em In. Here would be hard pushed to find there back side in the dark with both hands and a torch :LOL::LOL:

Plagerisers ;) as well
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