Swine flu

27 Nov 2007
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United Kingdom
The tally of victims is getting higher and higher but surely in the interests of accuracy (but when has that had an impact on the media) the amount of people who have had it and recovered should be mentioned.
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Seems that the vast majority of people who get this bug make a full recovery.

The normal yearly bug/flu kills thousands every year, so I don't see what all the fuss is about anyway.
Johnmelad502 said:
The normal yearly bug/flu kills thousands every year, so I don't see what all the fuss is about anyway.

I don't blame the WHO or our own government for making a fuss. They'd be damned if they did and damned if they didn't. In the beginning, nobody was quite sure how bad this virus was going to be so it was better to be cautious. :cool: :cool: :cool:
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Pandemics always creep in like lambs and come back later as lions. The last H1N1 pandemic was 1918. It came in in the spring as an inoffensive little flu bug - then came back in the autumn and killed between 50 and 100 million people worldwide.

However. should SARS ever become a pandemic (and it could) it could easily wipe out a billion people.
a bear, a lion and a pig are talking one day.
the bear brags.. "when I roar, all the animals in the forest quiver with fear"
the lion brags... "that's nothing, when I roar, all the animals in the jungle quiver with fear.."
the pig brags... "all I have to do is sneeze and the entire human race ****s itself"..
Told a mate of mine he better get checked for this ,not that he has been to Mexico recently but he has sh#gged some pigs in his time
If pigs are to blame this time, what caused the influeza pandemic previously? (1918)

As a nation, we worry too much about media hype. A touch of flu..... nothing more than a common cold where I was brought up.

Thats right, in the old days catch the flu and you could sneeze your leg off
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