The wind!

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
I put our bin bags out for collection early this morning, two orange recycling sacks, and weighted them down with one black sack of general rubbish. Went out 10 mins later as I had a big cardboard box to add to the pile and....the recycling bags were gone. Looked up the street and I could have picked two from twenty blowing around. I retrieved two and re-weighted them with a brick each but I could see the contents inside and they weren’t ours.
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There will be damage. Scary gusts. I bet a couple of up & over scaffolds come down today
Dog keeps barking as the wind is lifting the spring loaded letterbox flap and she thinks someone is knocking on the door.
Short power cut at 4:30. The gate alarm triggered when the power came back on which woke me up.

And the normally quiet ghost is howling a lot.
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Our recycling bin lid has blown open and now there are pieces of paper etc stuck in the trees behind it. :rolleyes:
Very windy here, just been out for dog walk.

I passed a house with building works - their portaloo has blown over. I wonder whose got the lovely job.
Best lay off the Curried Eggs...

quote :- Captain Bloodknock 1950's
My neighbour never put his bin out last night in case it blew over, he missed the bin lorry by 30 mins this morning
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