There is still support for Brexit

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Does anyone remember Neil Kinnock who believed the polls that he was a shoe-in to be the next PM? How I laughed on election evening when the wheels fell off of his wagon and the Tories wiped the floor with him! Similar circumstances to now-days really. The comments for this clip are worth reading.

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Why don't you STFU about it then?
Seems to bother you that you voted for a pile of shoite? Your hero Boris was sacked, Brexers are dying in the droves and Brexer politicians are becoming impotent. The effects are still here unfortunately though mottie.(n)
Seems to bother you that you voted for a pile of shoite? Your hero Boris was sacked, Brexers are dying in the droves and Brexer politicians are becoming impotent. The effects are still here unfortunately though mottie.(n)
There you go again. I thought you said Brexit was stale and time for a breath of fresh air? Make your mind up.

Boris still is my hero as far as taking the bull by the horns and carrying out the result of the majority vote in the referendum when everyone else was dithering, stalling or trying to overturn the result of a democratically held referendum. I’ve said before, as far as I’m concerned he's done what he was elected for and he can go do one and that’s not the first time I’ve said that.
There you go again. I thought you said Brexit was stale and time for a breath of fresh air? Make your mind up.

Boris still is my hero as far as taking the bull by the horns and carrying out the result of the majority vote in the referendum when everyone else was dithering, stalling or trying to overturn the result of a democratically held referendum. I’ve said before, as far as I’m concerned he's done what he was elected for and he can go do one and that’s not the first time I’ve said that.
Im not convinced he did that. The referendum decision was to sell tne house in principle, the negotiations were on price. The public never voted on the terms of a deal.

Some of these polls are hilariously bias. I read one "with the benefit of hind sight, do you think...". Its like "given that you got arrested while robbing the bank, do you still think it was worth the risk...".

Does anyone remember Neil Kinnock who believed the polls that he was a shoe-in to be the next PM? How I laughed on election evening when the wheels fell off of his wagon and the Tories wiped the floor with him! Similar circumstances to now-days really. The comments for this clip are worth reading.

What about "Oh Jeremy Corbyn". thousands turned out to support him. The Tories were doomed...

There is not one party cable of forming a government in the next 10 years, who is campaigning to rejoin the EU. Sorry folks, time to get over it.
There you go again. I thought you said Brexit was stale and time for a breath of fresh air? Make your mind up.

Boris still is my hero as far as taking the bull by the horns and carrying out the result of the majority vote in the referendum when everyone else was dithering, stalling or trying to overturn the result of a democratically held referendum. I’ve said before, as far as I’m concerned he's done what he was elected for and he can go do one and that’s not the first time I’ve said that.
How's northern Ireland doing?

Is brexit done yet ?
We were given an in/out deal to vote on. We chose out.
Do you mean the 2019 election? People were fed up then and Boris convinced them that he could resolve the political mayhem he had created. We are still “in” because of EU sovereignty regarding NI protocol


democracy prevailed despite the attempts by some ( fruit cakes ) to circumnavigate the democratic process and over turn the result
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