UK Energy Prices

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"A large fire at Britain’s main electricity subsea cable will reduce imports from France until the end of March, National Grid has warned, triggering fears over tight supplies at a time when power prices have surged to record highs.

The FTSE 100 energy company said on Wednesday morning that a blaze had broken out at Sellindge near Ashford in Kent, where underground cables that are part of the IFA1 interconnector link up to a converter station. Emergency services have been in attendance most of the day.

Natural gas prices in the UK, which had hit record highs in recent weeks, soared more than 18 per cent on the news, with traders calculating that gas-fired power stations would need to run harder in coming weeks — and potentially months — to compensate for the loss of imports."
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I heard that one of the lines will be off til March.

Better install more insulation - Insulate Britain!
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then filly is mistaken.

As well as suffering the shortage and high price of gas, we will have reduced availability of imported electricity.

The failure of the UK conversion station will not impact the EU27.

The Daily Excess anti-EU headline which he quotes does not reflect reality.
My suppler Green are switching us over to a higher tariff at the end of the month which'll (is that a word?)
increase our energy bill by around 20-25%. This includes doubling the standing charge to £3.50 wk.
All Ofgem approved... ****'s
Here at "Dork Towers" we have utilised our free green energy £grant to convert the kitchen extractor fan to collect all the methane gas.

Now all we have to do is to adjust our diet & make sure it generates lots more methane gas.

I cannot believe that we used to waste all of that free energy by simply 'wafting' the duvet !
then filly is mistaken.

As well as suffering the shortage and high price of gas, we will have reduced availability of imported electricity.

The failure of the UK conversion station will not impact the EU27.

Bods right, its not just us. You're right in that the UK conversion will not impact on the EU27, Putin will decide what happens to them.
its not just us.

Nobody said it was.

Except for the electricity problem, which is just us.

And because of the shortfall in electricity, we will need more gas.

And it's a bit late to be bidding for extra forward contracts, with the price rising.

And the Daily Excess is wrong in suggesting that it (the gas problem) is just the EU.

EU to be hit

Filly is wrong in republishing this false headline.
My suppler Green are switching us over to a higher tariff at the end of the month which'll (is that a word?)
increase our energy bill by around 20-25%. This includes doubling the standing charge to £3.50 wk.
All Ofgem approved... ****'s

I'm sorry to hear that.

Relieved that I took out a 12-month fixed-price plan during the summer.
Oh dear.

"Soaring gas prices have forced the closure of two large UK fertiliser plants, sparking warnings of a looming shortage of ammonium nitrate that could hit food supplies as record energy prices start to reverberate through the global economy."


"Natural gas prices in the UK and continental Europe have soared to record highs because of tight supplies ahead of winter, raising fears of a severe economic hit to industry and weather-induced shortages. Day-ahead prices in the UK jumped 7 per cent on Tuesday to more than £1.65 per therm, almost treble their level the start of the year and an increase of 70 per cent since early August alone. That is also stoking record electricity prices, as gas is key for power generation."
Two weeks of calm weather.
Record number of dinghies coming over from France.
Windmills suddenly not looking a brilliant source of energy.
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