
The Israeli terrorists in the Occupied Terriries are deliberately making an independent Palestine impossible.
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But Israel is totally opposed to allowing a Palestinian state, and will not allow Palestinians equal citizenship.

But Israel is totally opposed to allowing a Palestinian state, and will not allow Palestinians equal citizenship.

You've lost me there John, Israel has never been opposed to allowing a Palestinian State, they've already done that. I can't quite see where "equal citizenship" comes into it, are you saying they should have their own state but still have "equal Israeli Citizenship"?.
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Where is this Independent State that you think you have heard of?

Israel will not allow Palestine an independent state, therefore will not accept a two-state solution

Israel will not grant them equal rights, therefore will not accept a one-state solution.

It is instead relying on a combination of extermination and expulsion.

I think you know that.
Israel will not grant them equal rights, therefore will not accept a one-state solution.

Hang on, are you saying the Palestinians will accept a one state solution? I know that's their stated aim but the plan doesn't include Jews.

Calm down John, I think the 'final solution' you're thinking of might be a bit drastic.
It's what they've been trying to achieve for a long time hence a peace agreement with Egypt spanning 40 years, a peace agreement with Jordan spanning 30 years, achieved 'normalised relations' agreements with The United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, and Bahrain in 2020 and were on the verge of signing the same with Saudi Arabia before Iran decided it couldn't be allowed to happen and sent the terrorists in knowing full well what the outcome would be.
If only Israel had been agreeable to a peace agreement with the Palestinians. It never has been, Zionists, and Israel governmnent is dominated by Zionists, have always been intent on evicting the Palestinians from Palestine. The incremental evictions of Palestinians from their family homes and land, and the establishment of Israeli settlements is living proof of that.
Def. Living Proof
If you say that something is living proof of something, you mean that their actions show that a particular fact is true.

I would dearly love to see all terrorists destroyed so we could enjoy peace, what right minded person wouldn't?
Terror as a weapon has been wielded since early times, sometimes by insurgents, more often by governments...
although nowadays, as ever, governments can also terrorise... But whom you call a terrorist depends on your point of view. Consistent with the equivocal dictum that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter... The terrorist and the policeman both come from the same basket.

The United Nations General Assembly condemned terrorist acts by using the following political description of terrorism in December 1994 (GA Res. 49/60):[11]
Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them.
Your use of the UN definition is useful. What the UN do not do, is they do not deny that a government can be equally guilty of terror.
The UN also defines the designation of terror as a politically motivated act, an argument that I have presented on numerous ocassions
They also make it clear that the use of terror cannot be justified for any reason, not collective revenge, not an excuse to murder civilians, not an excuse to claim that civilians are terrorists, etc.

The eviction and murder of Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, and Israel has been going on for decades with the support and active encouragement of the Israeli military, and the full complicity of the Israeli government and courts.
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You've lost me there John, Israel has never been opposed to allowing a Palestinian State, they've already done that. I can't quite see where "equal citizenship" comes into it, are you saying they should have their own state but still have "equal Israeli Citizenship"?.
Prior to the Israeli military occupation of Gaza, it was Egyptian, the West Bank was Jordanian. After the 6 day war, Israel occupied Gaza and the West Bank and has continued its occupation and embargo ever since, despite and in defiance of numerous UN resolutions.
Gaza and the West Bank has never been free and independent since the 6 day war.

Israel (Zionists) is ideologically opposed to a Palestinian independent state.

Prior to 1948 Jews and Palestinians lived side by side in peace, and as equal citizens.
Since 1948 Israel has persistently evicted and killed Palestinians. And since the 6 day war Israel has operated an apartheid regime, and continued its eviction and killing of Palestinians.
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Hang on, are you saying the Palestinians will accept a one state solution? I know that's their stated aim but the plan doesn't include Jews.

Calm down John, I think the 'final solution' you're thinking of might be a bit drastic.
John never used the phrase 'final solution'. You did, with the full knowledge of its context and intimation.

John said that Israel will never accept a one-state solution because it currently operates an apartheid regime against the non-Jews in Israel, where it has full control.
It is blindingly obvious that Israel will not accept a two state solution. It has had nearly 60 years to start that path. But it has never even considered it. It maintains its occupation and embargo of Gaza and the West Bank, in defiance of numerous UN resolutions.
Define EXACTLY what a terrorist is.
They are generally effectively freedom fighters eg the Afgan lot were for a while even dear old Bin. Also Saddam. Gaddafi never seem to make it. Ok so some are seen as great by the west for a while but they are still what they are when they aren't.

Some times civil war figures somewhere or the other.
Exactly, it's all in the eye of the beholder.
It's good to hear that sillyboy is eventually agreeing with what I said months ago.

Something on which he, and others, (motorbiking, Notch, Bod, etc) claimed I was a terrorist supporter or worse. :rolleyes:
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