Video's/pictures of you working to then be put onto social media?

I can't remember you said it (Derren Brown?) but, whoever believes that a photograph doesn't contain part of the subject's soul, take knife and stab a photo of a loved one.......
That's pretty dark. There are hundreds of bits of my loved ones souls trapped in limbo on disk drives in some far off data center.

More are permanently crushed between two pages of paper as they gently fade from existence in an album, forgotten and abandoned in a cupboard.
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That's pretty dark. There are hundreds of bits of my loved ones souls trapped in limbo on disk drives in some far off data center.

More are permanently crushed between two pages of paper as they gently fade from existence in an album, forgotten and abandoned in a cupboard.

Made you think though, didn't it?
If anyone ever tries to film you in a public place and they're in your face, call the cops.
Tell them exactly this: by filming me with insistence i have felt alarmed and distressed.
Section 5 applies, easy nick for the blues, box ticked.
If it's a c#nt like this cyclist just beat him up and don't forget to nick his camera and burn it.
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If anyone ever tries to film you in a public place and they're in your face, call the cops.
Tell them exactly this: by filming me with insistence i have felt alarmed and distressed.
Section 5 applies, easy nick for the blues, box ticked.
If it's a c#nt like this cyclist just beat him up and don't forget to nick his camera and burn it.
Ah, the GBH method of conflict resolution. Still it helps screen out undesirables into the criminal justice system.
By the sound of his voice he was going to deal with it properly. Load of blox the driver was at fault and I hope he got what was coming to him.
The driver was at fault although the videoing cyclist raised the tensions
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If you are not doing something illegal then I would be of the opinion that no one has the right to film/photograph you. As much as we have rights of freedom in this country it does not give someone the right to film you just because they want to. They should ask your permission first and also say what they intend to do with the film.
As a Pagan I am against people taking my photograph, especially without my permission, as we regard it as taking a part of our soul, (and before anyone says Christians believe everyone has a soul, Pagans were using the term before they stole most of our celebratory occasions and re-branded them for their own beliefs). We do have our photo taken but usually only with our permission and subject to it being used for specific purposes, not social entertainment.
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It was his annoying South African accent that got me more than his holier than thou attitude.

He's a bloody good immigrant.

I also recon he's an hard barsterd who doesn't give a fluck... the driver could see he wasn't going to be intimated

The driver was on his phone while the van was moving, that's why the camera man turned round a caught him up.

The driver was to blame for holding traffic up and getting shirty...
To all the people who hate being filmed...

Number 1, you are filmed by 100s of CCTV cams every day.
Number 2, there is no expectation of privacy in a public place and you don't need someone's permission to film them in public. Even if what you are filming is not public, if it can be seen from a public place you can film it.
Councils, companies TV co's etc don't get special permission to put up cams that look or film into public places, that's the law.

I don't believe that it is possible in law for filming to cause alarm, harassment and distress otherwise anyone could claim that of CCTV cameras. It would be laughed out of court, although I have seen cops try it on with Joe Public. Mind you, I have seen a lot of cops make up laws to try and stop people doing lawful stuff or make them do something they don't want to do. Like the copper who dragged someone out of their car because they refused to get out. They may like being in control, but it is not law that you have to get out of your vehicle when asked by a cop, unless you are being arrested. Even if you are being breath tested, you can stay in your car.
But IME cops hate it when you don't do what you are told, even when that is a load of rubbish they have just made up to suit them.
To all the people who hate being filmed...

Number 1, you are filmed by 100s of CCTV cams every day.
Number 2, there is no expectation of privacy in a public place and you don't need someone's permission to film them in public. Even if what you are filming is not public, if it can be seen from a public place you can film it.
Councils, companies TV co's etc don't get special permission to put up cams that look or film into public places, that's the law.

I don't believe that it is possible in law for filming to cause alarm, harassment and distress otherwise anyone could claim that of CCTV cameras. It would be laughed out of court, although I have seen cops try it on with Joe Public. Mind you, I have seen a lot of cops make up laws to try and stop people doing lawful stuff or make them do something they don't want to do. Like the copper who dragged someone out of their car because they refused to get out. They may like being in control, but it is not law that you have to get out of your vehicle when asked by a cop, unless you are being arrested. Even if you are being breath tested, you can stay in your car.
But IME cops hate it when you don't do what you are told, even when that is a load of rubbish they have just made up to suit them.
Cctv is different from someone shoving a camera in your face and saying that you'll be on YouTube.
Someone filming discretely other people in a public place is different from someone shoving a camera in your face and saying that you'll be on YouTube.
Shoving a camera in your face and saying that you'll be on YouTube is cause for alarm and distress, because, even the van driver at fault of looking at his phone whilst stationary, is now a hardcore criminal on YouTube where millions of people will see him.
The van driver was so alarmed and distressed that he came out of his van twice and blocked traffic.
If this stupid c#nt wants to be a chips, he can do it discretely, instead he looks for confrontation so to get a show and earn from YouTube.
Also, all the shyt he says about convictions is most likely b@llox.
In this particular video he claims the van driver was done for passing a red light.
I very much doubt it, very much and anyone with half brain can see that.
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