Walk facing on coming traffic means walk on right?

27 Jan 2008
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Llanfair Caereinion, Nr Welshpool
United Kingdom
Walk facing on coming traffic means walk on right? so one would expect any one way system for pedestrians to have people walking on the right, so when the walk way ends they are on correct side of the road, but all the pictures show walking on the left.

Where has common sense gone?
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Walk facing on coming traffic means walk on right? so one would expect any one way system for pedestrians to have people walking on the right, so when the walk way ends they are on correct side of the road, but all the pictures show walking on the left.

Where has common sense gone?
Walk on the right, unless it's a curve in which case switch to the side that has the best visibility. Other factors might make you choose one side or the other. (eg. Some verge Vs none)

What pictures are you on about?
The BBC news
AFAIK, you when walking facing on coming traffic you walk nearest to the curb, when walking with your back to the traffic you walk furthest away from the curb. It's in the highway code somewhere. I think.
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I thought that was only considered good practice for walkers when there's no pavement?

Common sense is needed though. One evening, I was cycling up a hill in Richmond Park, probably doing under 10mph, when the local running group decided they would do their group sprint down that hill, into oncoming traffic. With no lights. In dark clothing. Directly towards me, at about twice my speed.

My lights somehow caught some movement and I managed to swerve out into the middle of the road for them to go by. Was even sworn at by a couple of them. :eek:

Scarily, if they hit me, even if I was stationary, I probably would have been blamed.
Walk facing on coming traffic means walk on right? so one would expect any one way system for pedestrians to have people walking on the right, so when the walk way ends they are on correct side of the road, but all the pictures show walking on the left.

Where has common sense gone?

Common sense ha

In. This country its went down the collective toilet years ago

If u worked in Some Institutions
If u displayed any or had any they would probably sack you :LOL:

Councils for example
Traffic wardens
Tool station.
At the end of my terrace (on a main road) the footpath narrows to 1/2 the normal width so only wide enough for 1 person.
when walking with the flow of traffic it is the person walking towards the flow that usually steps in the road to pass.
All done with a smile, a hello/good morning etc.
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