Was Bin laden responsible for the 9/11 attack?



Clean debate please, no calling of names or pulling of hair.
And no muslim bashing.
Please if you are able post sources to your comments , theories , facts or research.
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I would say yes...but when you watch the conspiracy about it there are some issues that would sway your thoughts on it
Yes he was, he was a fully trained professional structural engineer. He realised (as with any other modular structure) that the building was only as strong as the sum of ALL its parts. Damage or remove some of those parts and the rest will collapse, thats what happened, end of.
Putting aside the conspiracy theory's, I'm inclined to say yes. He was 100% behind this atrocity.
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9/11 in my opinion was allowed to happen, there are too many things that just did not add up, security was appalling, where was the air force on that particular day?
America wanted a common enemy that they could wage war against in the name of fighting terrorism, they chose Bin Laden.
The enemy is within.
The first Zeitgeist movie is well worth a watch.

Even if you dont believe a word of it , it's still interesting to watch and see where the conspiracy theories stem from.

In fact I would recommend you watch the entire movie and not just the four clips above, it is really good.
Jury's still out for me, I'll lean towards 'probably'

What I do believe is that there's a hell of a lot that we haven't been told, and it would be in the best interests of some of the people 'on our side' that we don't find out.
with respect none of you have a scooby...

you only have access to the news or the internet..... and either could be skewed massively..... opinion is fine, but don't let it get in the way of fact !!!!
with respect none of you have a scooby...

you only have access to the news or the internet..... and either could be skewed massively..... opinion is fine, but don't let it get in the way of fact !!!!


So where do you get your facts from then??
the facts.... by definition, are what actually happened....and if you weren't there, you only have evidence... and then it's a game....

you don't have access to the facts....
Even if you were there, you only have some of the facts, not the full picture.

We know that some planes flew into some buildings, that's for sure.
As for the rest...
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