What Britain earns.

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You've only made 39 posts - you are hardly a regular are you?
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You've only made 39 posts - you are hardly a regular are you?

well i dont need prunes if thats what you mean..

just because i have said less than you doesnt mean its less pertinent.

i would try to avoid threads with input from you but that would be impossible.

when you're so sure about everything; no one listens..

anyway, i'll enjoy my day and you can carry on trying to spoil other peoples.
What I've said is what was on the TV show. Argue with the Beeb if you must. Don't shoot the messenger.
No, please, do us all a favour ... Leave the Beeb alone and shoot the f***ing messenger :LOL:

Are you (or have you been) a GP megawatt? NO
Is a member of your family a GP? NO
Why do you think you know so much about them if you are just a sparkie?
Who told you I was just a sparkie?

Full of supposition as usual ... No hard facts ;)
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No, please, do us all a favour ... Leave the Beeb alone and shoot the f***ing messenger :LOL:

Are you (or have you been) a GP megawatt? NO
Is a member of your family a GP? NO
Why do you think you know so much about them if you are just a sparkie?
Who told you I was just a sparkie?

Full of supposition as usual ... No hard facts ;)

What are you then? And why do you think you are some kind of authority on the subject? Do you have any facts - or is it simply your 'opinion' which is about as important as my opinion?
If you don't like the thread - you know where the door is (or the ignore button that you are 'ignoring'. :LOL: :LOL: )
Joe: Perhaps you'd care to share your great insight on my previous post with everyone ...

Who else is going to take care of patients in the community with chronic diseases such as Asthma, Diabetes, Respiratory and circulatory problems never mind obesity, child heath, geriatric care etc etc.

This is the core bread and butter work undertaken by GP's NOT the morning surgery for people wanting to pull a sickie.
And many GP's also have specialist interests and run clinics in local Acute and Community hospitals as part of their salary.

Who is going to do all this work Joe?

GP's are not there as Emergency practitioners as you seem to think.

Not around our way they don't. They sit yawning in their little offices getting huge salaries for doing practically nothing. What make you think they are so wonderful? What insight do you have into their working day that the rest of us aren't privy to?

All the major parties know they were hoodwinked by the BMA. Even the BMA couldn't believe it.
What insight do you have into their working day that the rest of us aren't privy to?
Quite obviously significantly more than you.

Not around our way they don't
All GP Practices are responsible for the services I outlined, its their core business.

Stop blustering and answer the question. If you can't then say so as there's no point discussing it further.

Who else is going to take care of patients in the community with chronic diseases such as Asthma, Diabetes, Respiratory and circulatory problems never mind obesity, child heath, geriatric care etc etc.

come on mw

tell us again that your not a GP

ive only read you saying it about ten times..

you really have stepped in the stuff that clings on, ruins everything, stinks and you would hope to scrape off with a stick.
i feel for you

tell me again, are you a GP, are you married to a GP, are your letters delivered by an ex GP fallen on hard times ;)
I am not now, nor have I ever been, nor is my wife now, nor has she ever been (in this life) a GP, a trainee GP, a failed GP a PG (GP walking backwards) or indeed any other clinical professional.

I just happen to believe that, compared to many other professions in this country, they do a damn good job and deserve every penny that they earn.

If Joe was prepared to post a sensible informed reason why they shouldn't earn a good salary it would be a worthwhile debate but he, of course, will not because he doesn't know anything about the profession ... This is crystal clear from this and previous threads on the subject.

Still waiting for an answer to ...

Who else is going to take care of patients in the community with chronic diseases such as Asthma, Diabetes, Respiratory and circulatory problems never mind obesity, child heath, geriatric care etc etc.

settled down now have we?
Reminds me of the old tale of the "body"
The brain said "I think, therefore I am the superior organ, so I should be top wage earner"!
The Heart said " you can't survive without me, therefore I should be top earner"
Each Organ in turn claimed the same "top Earner" status.....
The A*s*h*le was watching all this,(anyone we Know?) and decided he should be the top earner....All the other body parts laughed :LOL: :LOL:
The A*s*h*le decided to close up.....
the body went weak...the brain went dizzy...the heart.started to flutter..
...in the end they were all begging the A*s*h*le to take over....
Give him what he wants....
Which goes to show any A*s*h*le can earn loads of money, just be in the right place at the right time.
Is 1 plumber worth more than 10 electricians?

Is one pilot worth more than 10 groundcrew?

Is 1 bus driver worth more than 10 passengers?

I can't answer your question Joe because it doesn't make any sense ... They all do different jobs.

How about answering my question (for the third time) ...

If GP's are so useless ...

Who else is going to take care of patients in the community with chronic diseases such as Asthma, Diabetes, Respiratory and circulatory problems never mind obesity, child heath, geriatric care etc etc.

Is 1 plumber worth more than 10 electricians?

Is one pilot worth more than 10 groundcrew?

Is 1 bus driver worth more than 10 passengers?

I can't answer your question Joe because it doesn't make any sense ... They all do different jobs.

How about answering my question (for the third time) ...

If GP's are so useless ...

Who else is going to take care of patients in the community with chronic diseases such as Asthma, Diabetes, Respiratory and circulatory problems never mind obesity, child heath, geriatric care etc etc.


It's called a ospickal. They all see specialists. That's what a gp does - sends sick people to ospikal.
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